Note, I'm suggesting just two tables, one for users, one for user group assignments (and probably a third for the actual groups, but that could also be hard coded), so that data in them might be something like this (lets say GroupId = 1 means system admin, and GroupId = 2 means...
查询指定库中的所以表和所有字段: View Code View Code 存储过程: DROPPROCEDUREIFEXISTS`search_alltbl_allcol_ofkeyword`; DELIMITER ;;CREATEDEFINER=`skip-grantsuser`@`skip-grants host`PROCEDURE`search_alltbl_allcol_ofkeyword`()BEGINdeclaresqlStrvarchar(200)default'';declareTABLENAME,COLUMNNAME,DATATYP...
information_schema. COLUMNS a join information_schema.TABLES b on a.TABLE_NAME=b.TABLE_NAME WHERE b.Table_SCHEMA='database_name' 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. View Code DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `search_alltbl...
SHOW TABLES[ LIKE 'pattern'] SHOW TABLES FROM 表名 -- 查看表机构 SHOW CREATE TABLE 表名 (信息更详细) DESC 表名 / DESCRIBE 表名 / EXPLAIN 表名 / SHOW COLUMNS FROM 表名 [LIKE 'PATTERN'] SHOW TABLE STATUS [FROM db_name] [LIKE 'pattern'] -- 修改表 -- 修改表本身的选项 ALTER TABLE...
On the left pane of yourphpMyAdminpage,click on the database user to display its database tables. Click on the table name to display theStructurepage. ClickSearchat the top menu. Build a query or query by example. In theDo a 'query by example' (wildcard: '%')section, you can searc...
8.1.8 Table Data Search Tab Find data across a MySQL connection by using the text search feature on any number of tables and schemas. From the schema tree, select the tables, schemas, or both to search and then right-click the highlighted items and clickSearch Data Tablefrom the context ...
Then, add to this table the results from your FULLTEXT search on your first table, just the rowid, the name of the table, and the score. Do this for all tables you want to search. Then run a query sorting the results in this table by score, then get the actual data from the othe...