WHILE(@@FETCH_STATUS=0)-- Loop through all tables in the databaseBEGININSERT#RESULTEXECUTEA_Search_StringInGivenTable@SearchString,@Table_Schema,@Table_Name;FETCHcurAllTablesINTO@Table_Schema,@Table_Name;END;-- whileCLOSEcurAllTables;DEALLOCATEcurAllTables;-- Return resultsSELECT*FROM#RESULTORDERB...
2、创建搜索存储过程My_Search_Int_AllTables,与上面类似,此存储过程将调用 My_Search_IntInGivenTable来实现所遍历的每一个数据表的搜索结果 USE [NORTHWIND] GO /*** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[My_Search_Int_AllTables] Script Date: 09/25/2011 15:48:29 ***/ SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO SET QUO...
WHERE [Column Value] LIKE''%''+ @SearchString +''%''' --print @SQL EXECUTEsp_ExecuteSQL@SQL, N'@SearchString nvarchar(max)',@SearchString END 2、创建搜索存储过程:My_Search_String_AllTables 此存储过程将遍历指定数据库的所有表,并利用上面创建的存储过程My_Search_StringInGivenTable来取得每个...
By re-using a single view, you only have to go looping through information_schema when you ...
Like before, we are going to build commands that search every string column in all views and/or tables in one or more databases, returning the first 1,000 characters of some arbitrary matching row. To support the additional functionality, the signature of the stored procedure becomes: ...
Using Search for SQL Server, you can find a specified SQL code fragment in tables, views, stored procedures, functions, triggers, etc. For example, searching for a "alter" command will return examples of all code fragments containing the command. Quick Navigation This feature allows to quickl...
SQL_ISV_TABLES = 識別目錄中定義的永續性數據表,該數據表可由指定使用者存取。 (FIPS 過渡級別)SQL_ISV_TRANSLATIONS = 識別指定使用者可存取之目錄的字元轉譯。 (全級)SQL_ISV_USAGE_PRIVILEGES = 識別指定使用者可用或擁有之目錄物件的 USAGE 許可權。 (FIPS 過渡級別)SQL_ISV_VIEW_COLUMN_USAGE = 識別...
Why is theAll Tablesdirectory that is provided by the original SQL query feature unavailable? TheSystem Managementpage no longer provides the parameters that can be configured to view and download SQL query results or the parameter that can be used to specify the maximum number of SQL query resu...
When the event starts, the Database Engine attempts to escalate all the locks owned by the current transaction in any of the tables that have been referenced by the active statement provided it meets the escalation threshold requirements. If the escalation event starts before the statement has ...
If a security policy is created with SCHEMABINDING = OFF, then to query the target table, users must have the SELECT or EXECUTE permission on the predicate function and any additional tables, views, or functions used within the predicate function. If a security policy is created with ...