或者,从PhpMyAdmin中删除" AutoIncrement"标志,保存,再次设置并保存。此操作将其重置。 如果您想order by 在phpmyadmin中 note: this will work if you delete last rows not middle rows. 转到表格->单击操作菜单->转到表格选项->将AUTO_INCREMENT更改为您要从其开始的位置。 您的表自动增量从此开始。 试试吧。
resetAutoincrement是一款基于Java开发的程序,其功能为重置mysql数据库表的主键自增的值为最近的一个。 介绍 开发背景主要是工作中,测试同学在清理数据的时候,使用的是DELETE进行删库(其实可以使用TRUNCATE),删库完毕后会造成主键自增的值并没有归0,而是继续计算下去(如:数据库新插入一条数据,id为483,但是我期望的...
( I tested it and it works ) But I'm surprised to see that this value is first reseted and then updated each time a row is inserted in the new optimized table. I think auto_increment value should be copied only once from the old version of the table to the new optimized one, ...
('test'); -- delete all rows, so I assure you that if the value is less than the current maximum value in the column, no error occurs and the current sequence value is not changed. delete from test.tabletest; -- reset auto_increment alter table test.tabletest auto_increment = 0 -...
Alright, I'm very new to MySQL and I am using it in conjunction with PHP, which I am also rather inexperienced with. If I have a table where I delete rows, and an ID column with auto-increment, the incrementation simply continues as if nothing has happened. How can I make it fill...
than deleting rows one by one. (When fast truncation is used, it resets any AUTO_INCREMENTcounter to zero. From MySQL 5.0.13 on, theAUTO_INCREMENTcounter is reset to zero byTRUNCATE TABLE, regardless of whether there is a foreign key constraint.)...
MySQL provides you with a useful function called auto increment. You can assign the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute to the table column to create a unique identifier
subpartitionno是一个永久自增列,可以通过语法ALTER TABLE t_name RESET 来自:帮助中心 查看更多 → DDL 入时不会预留自增值,正常场景不会产生不连续的自增值。MySQL临时表与普通表中的自动增长列自增结果一致。 GaussDB的SERIAL数据类型为原有的自增列,与AUTO_INCREMENT自增列有差异。MySQL的SERIAL数据类型...