Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. mysql> ——出现mysql>即表示连接成功 mysql> show databases; ——查看数据库信息 ERROR 1820 (HY000): You must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement. ——提示需要更新密码...
Documented in the 5.1.24 and 6.0.5 changelogs as follows: Creating a foreign key on an InnoDB table that was created with an explicit AUTO_INCREMENT value caused that value to be reset to 1. [5 May 2010 15:03] Bugs System Pushed into 5.1.47 (revid:joro@sun.com-20100505145753-ivlt4...
请参见alter table docs以更改AUTOINCREMENT dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/alter-table.html 从5.6开始的@Ireeder对于innodb的行为类似于myisam的行为 如果您还有其他具有该表外键的表,那么这会破坏它们吗? SET @num := 0; UPDATE your_table SET id = @num := (@num+1); ALTER TABLE your_table A...
ALTER TABLE kalacloud_table AUTO_INCREMENT = 2;指定下一次插入至 ID 2 的位置,但实际执行,继续插...
I just noticed that the several orders placed into our system have keys which are really old and already allocated, thus duplicating the records. Checking through the db, it seems that 3 tables were affected, in one of them AUTO_INCREMENT changed to a number which was 1 greater than the ...
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 复制 这些配置语句的含义 server-id:表示服务器表示id号,master和slave主机的server-id不能一样 binlog-do-db:表示需要复制的数据库,这里以test库为例 binlog-ignore-db:表示不需要复制的数据库 7、重启master主机上的mysql服务,然后输入show master status命令查询master主机的...
mysql>reset slave; 之后停止slave线程重新开始。成功后,则可以开启slave线程了。 mysql>start slave; 查看从服务器(Slave)状态: 用如下指令进行查看 mysql> show slave status\G; 查看下面两项值均为Yes,即表示设置从服务器成功。 Slave_IO_Running: Yes ...
When the column is modified to auto_increment, the alter table... auto_increment=1 command does not reset the auto_increment value to the current maximum AUTO_INCREMENT column value plus one. How to repeat: Create a table without auto_increment mysql> CREATE TABLE `test` ( -> `id` int...
For example, can I tell it to search from 1 on and insert any new rows starting at the minimum number missing? Or, even better can I reset all the current rows' ID's to just start at 1 and increment from there? Is there any practical reason this would ever matter? How much would...