1 MySQL Stored Procedure if statement 0 Calling a stored procedure within an IF statement MySQL 0 How do to do an if statement in a stored procedure 6 MySQL stored procedure with if statement 0 Using if statements in a stored procedure in MySQL 2 mysql procedure with if condition ...
ValidSQLprocedurestatement 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 存储过程由三个部分组成:过程名称、过程参数、过程体。过程体包含了有效的SQL过程语句。 IF语句的用法 IF语句是控制流语句,用于根据条件执行不同的代码块。在MySQL存储过程中,IF语句的语法如下: IFexpressionTHENstatements;ELSEIFexpression...
MySQL/MariaDB中的符合语句结构有:BEGIN...END,if,case,while,loop,repeat,cursor,condition,handler。 在MySQL中,它们都只能在存储程序(procedure,function,trigger)内部使用,但在MariaDB中,从10.1.1版本之后,BEGIN...END,IF,CASE,LOOP,REPEAT,WHILE可以在存储程序的外部使用。但实际上,除了begin、case和if能正常...
4. MySQL 存储过程不需要在 procedure body 前面加 “as”。而 SQL Server 存储过程必须加 “as” 关键字。 create procedure pr_add ( a int, b int ) as - 错误,MySQL 不需要 “as” begin mysql statement ...; end; 5. 如果 MySQL 存储过程中包含单条或者多条 MySQL 语句,都需要 begin end 关键...
delimiter # create procedure pr1() begin declare v1 double default 0; start transaction; IF "table1" in (Select `information_schema`.`TABLES`.`TABLE_NAME` FROM `information_schema`.`TABLES`) THEN set v1 = (select count(value) from `table1`); -- error here ELSE -- create table by...
概述 这些语句都不可单独使用,主要用于 存储过程 PROCEDURE 和 函数 FUNCTION 中。 IF语句 说明: IF 语句用来进行条件判断,根据是否满足条件(可包含多个条件),来执行不同的语句。 基本形式: IF search_condition THEN statement_list [
eg.: if 89.450 <= 10 ( the result of this is true based on my stored procedure calling) but in real which is not true... I don't know where i am going wrong please help me through this... it's most urgent. CREATE DEFINER=`sa`@`%` PROCEDURE `SP_ValidateThresholdCriteria`(in ...
Valid SQLprocedurestatement 各参数说明见CREATE PROCEDURE and CREATE FUNCTION Syntax DELIMITER $$DROPFUNCTIONIFEXISTSf_discount_price$$CREATEFUNCTIONf_discount_price (normal_price NUMERIC(8,2))RETURNSNUMERIC(8,2) DETERMINISTICBEGINDECLAREdiscount_price NUMERIC(8,2);IF(normal_price>500)THENSETdiscount_pri...
-- 声明局部变量 - declare-- 赋值createprocedurep2()begindeclarestu_countintdefault0;selectcount(*)intostu_countfromstudent;selectstu_count;end;callp2(); if if 用于做条件判断,具体的语法结构为: if 条件1then... elseif 条件2then-- 可选...else-- 可选...endif; 在if条件判断...
I'm pretty new to MySQL and I have a problem here with an IF statement inside a stored procedure. Here's the stored procedure, as you can see nothing too fancy, it includes 3 actions... : -- Create order_products stored procedure ...