1 create proc | procedure pro_name [{@参数数据类型} [=默认值] [output], {@参数数据类型} [=默认值] [output], ... ]as SQL_statements 2、 创建不带参数存储过程 1 if (exists (select * from sys.objects where name = 'proc_get_student')) drop proc proc_get_studentgoc...
CREATE PROCEDURE Sample_Employee.GetTitle( INOUT Title VARCHAR(50) ) RETURNS VARCHAR(30) FOR Sample.Employee LANGUAGE OBJECTSCRIPT { SET myquery="SELECT TOP 10 Name,Title FROM Sample.Employee" SET tStatement = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%New() SET qStatus = tStatement.%Prepare(myquery) IF q...
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'proc1' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE proc1 GO -- Creating a procedure on a nonexistent table. USE pubs GO CREATE PROCEDURE proc1 AS SELECT * FROM does_not_exist GO -- Here is the statement to actually see the text of the pro...
for replication选项指明了该存储过程只能在复制过程中执行 sql_statement是包含在存储过程中的任何数量和类型的sql语句 示例:创建存储过程usp_select_teacher,查询特定系的教师的信息,判定教师的年龄结构,并将该系教师的平均年龄和最大年龄传递给用户。 create procedure usp_select_teacher @depart char( 10),@avg_ag...
CREATE PROCEDURE dbname.proc_getGrade (stu_no varchar(20),cour_no varchar(10)) BEGIN DECLARE stu_grade float; SELECT grade into stu_grade FROM grade WHERE student_no=stu_no AND course_no=cour_no; IF stu_grade>=90 THEN SELECT stu_grade,'A'; ELSEIF stu_grade<90 AND stu_grade>=80...
package cn.juwatech.sql.example;import java.sql.*;public class SQLIfStatementExample {public static void main(String[] args) {String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydatabase";String user = "username";String password = "password";try (Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, ...
DROP PROCEDURE--从数据库中删除存储过程 CREATE TRIGGER--创建一个触发器 DROP TRIGGER--从数据库中删除触发器 CREATE SCHEMA--向数据库添加一个新模式 DROP SCHEMA--从数据库中删除一个模式 CREATE DOMAIN--创建一个数据值域 ALTER DOMAIN--改变域定义 ...
CREATEPROCEDUREdbname.proc_getGrade (stu_novarchar(20),cour_novarchar(10))BEGINDECLAREstu_gradefloat;SELECTgradeintostu_gradeFROMgradeWHEREstudent_no=stu_noANDcourse_no=cour_no;IFstu_grade>=90THENSELECTstu_grade,'A'; ELSEIF stu_grade<90ANDstu_grade>=80THENSELECTstu_grade,'B'; ...
SQL1else -- SQL2end if;-- 案例create procedure proc_test14(IN a int)begin if a=1 then insert into classes(class_name,class_remark) values('go','test'); else insert into students (stu_num,stu_name,stu_gender,stu_age,cid) values ('20201234','小熊','男',19,1); end if; end;...
SQL Server If Else If statement not working I have the following stored procedure that will update, insert or delete. My problem with that the DELETE section is never entered. If I only use the delete section is works fine but adding an 'IF' block before it and the code is never ...