create procedure backup() insert into t_bak select * from t; 1. 2. 用CALL 语句调用存储过程 mysql> call backup(); Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.10 sec) 1. 2. 存储过程的处理需要多条 SQL 语句,使用 DELIMITER 命令定义语句定界符 example:备份表记录到备份表后,删除原表的记录 delimiter $$ cr...
CREATE FUNCTION example_function (param1 INT, param2 VARCHAR(255)) RETURNS INT DETERMINISTIC BEGIN … RETURN result; END; “`
Step 1: Create a Function In this step, we need to create a function to be used in the index. Here is an example of the code to create a function: CREATEFUNCTIONfunction_name(parameters)RETURNSdata_typeBEGIN-- Function logic codeRETURNvalue;END; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Make sure to re...
createfunctionsimplefunc(param1 int) returns int begin update Studentssetgender=1 where sid=param1; selectcount(*) into @a from Students where sid>param1; return@a; end; // delimiter ; 1.3、删除存储过程及函数 1)Drop procedure/function语句用来删除指定名称的存储过程或函数 2)If exists关键词用...
CREATEPROCEDUREAddUser(INuserNameVARCHAR(100),INuserEmailVARCHAR(100))BEGININSERTINTOusers(name,email)VALUES(userName,userEmail);END; 调用存储过程: CALLAddUser('John Doe',''); 函数(Function)类似于存储过程,但它有一个返回值,并且只能返回一个值。
CREATE FUNCTION CREATE PROCEDURE CREATE TRIGGER CREATE EVENT CREATE VIEW ALTER EVENT ALTER VIEW SET PASSWORD For information about the implications that this expansion of CURRENT_USER() has for replication, see Section, “Replication of CURRENT_USER()”. Beginning with MySQL ...
The following example function takes a parameter, performs an operation using an SQL function, and returns the result. In this case, it is unnecessary to usedelimiterbecause the function definition contains no internal;statement delimiters: mysql>CREATEFUNCTIONhello(sCHAR(20))->RETURNSCHAR(50)DETERMINI...
MySQL Enterprise Edition The most comprehensive set of advanced features, management tools and technical support to achieve the highest levels of MySQL scalability, security, reliability, and uptime. Learn More » MySQL for OEM/ISV Over 2000 ISVs, OEMs, and VARs rely on MySQL as their products...
;,否则MySQL Server就不会把procedure里面的多条Statement认作一条statement。...执行procedure: set @totalCount = 0; call sp_get_customer_basic_info(10, @totalCount ); select @totalCount...; 参考资料 SHOW VARIABLES Statement How to Declare Variables in MySQL CREATE PROCEDURE and CREATE FUNCTION...
In fact I need this function, to take in consideration packaging and units of products in my application. I have in entering parameters some brut quantity, and i need to convert this quantity in net quantity. For example, in brut I have 8.23 and in net I need 12. In fact (for this ...