若要查看数据库中存在哪些自定义函数,可以使用 SHOW FUNCTION STATUS 语句;若要查看数据库中某个具体的自定义函数,可以使用 SHOW CREATE FUNCTION<函数名> 语句,其中<函数名>用于指定该自定义函数的名称。 【实例 1】创建存储函数,名称为 StuNameById,该函数返回 SELECT 语句的查询结果,数值类型为字符串类型,输入的...
1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql> drop function myFunction;
CREATE function f1() returns int BEGIN commit; return 1; END; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SQL Error [1422] [HY000]: Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger. 因为在procedure的set x=fi()的场景里面,一个set语句包含了begin work和commit work,如果f1有commit的话会影响...
The function is intended to return the word count of a text field from the database and called as such: SELECT word_count(mytextfield) FROM mytable I'm getting the following error: #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL serve...
mysql> CREATE FUNCTION myFunction-> (in_string VARCHAR(255),-> in_find_str VARCHAR(20),-> in_repl_str VARCHAR(20))->-> RETURNS VARCHAR(255)-> BEGIN-> DECLARE l_new_string VARCHAR(255);-> DECLARE l_find_pos INT;->-> SET l_find_pos=INSTR(in_string,in_find_str);...
12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637mysql>mysql> delimiter $$mysql>mysql>CREATEFUNCTIONmyFunction-> (in_stringVARCHAR(255),-> in_find_strVARCHAR(20),-> in_repl_strVARCHAR(20))->->RETURNSVARCHAR(255)->BEGIN->DECLAREl_new_stringVARCHAR(255);->DECLAREl_find_posINT;->->SET...
数据处理:MySQL函数可以对数据进行处理和转换,比如对字符串进行分割、连接、替换、格式化等操作,对日期进行格式化、计算等操作,对数值进行计算、取整、保留小数等操作等。 数据验证:MySQL函数可以对数据进行验证和检查,比如对字符串进行长度、正则表达式等校验,对日期进行有效性检查,对数值进行范围、类型等校验等。
mysql> CREATE FUNCTION myFunction -> (in_string VARCHAR(255), -> in_find_str VARCHAR(20), -> in_repl_str VARCHAR(20)) -> -> RETURNS VARCHAR(255) -> BEGIN -> DECLARE l_new_string VARCHAR(255); -> DECLARE l_find_pos INT; -> -> SET l_find_pos=INSTR(in_string,in_find_st...
mysql>CREATEFUNCTIONhello(sCHAR(20))->RETURNSCHAR(50)DETERMINISTIC->RETURNCONCAT('Hello, ',s,'!');Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)mysql>SELECThello('world');+---+|hello('world')|+---+|Hello, world!|+---+1 row in set (0.00 sec) Parameter types and function return types can...
Re: Create Function MySql 5.0-> 4.0 Chydik Sam November 15, 2012 08:13AM Re: Create Function MySql 5.0-> 4.0 Peter Brawley November 15, 2012 11:17AM Re: Create Function MySql 5.0-> 4.0 Rick James November 17, 2012 01:38AM Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed...