The myFirst Fone R1 is not to be confused with a toy, it can have more serious uses. Built around a traditional circular wristwatch, this product sets out to provide features that might appeal to both the young child and parents. Befitting its targeted market, the myFirst Fone R1, to...
商品介紹 myFirst Fone R1c 4G智慧兒童手錶-酷炫黑 R1C 收起內容 商品規格 收起內容 商品保證 1. 根據消費者保護法規定,於本網站購物的消費者,均享有商品到貨後七天猶豫期之權益,但退貨商品必須是全新狀態且完整包裝(保持產品、附件、包裝、廠商紙箱及所有附隨文件或資料之完整性 ),否則將收回恢復原狀費用...
商品型號:myFirst Fone R1c 4G 智慧兒童手錶 顯示屏:1.3”TFT 圓形電容觸摸屏 觸摸屏:OGS 全觸摸功能 攝像頭:2MP 前置攝像頭 防水係數:IP67 SIM卡:Nano SIM Card 電池容量:580 mAh, 3.7V 處理器:Spreadtrum SL8521E 二核心處理器 待機時間:24小時 ...
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