商品介紹 myFirst Fone R1c 4G智慧兒童手錶-酷炫黑 R1C 收起內容 商品規格 收起內容 商品保證 1. 根據消費者保護法規定,於本網站購物的消費者,均享有商品到貨後七天猶豫期之權益,但退貨商品必須是全新狀態且完整包裝(保持產品、附件、包裝、廠商紙箱及所有附隨文件或資料之完整性 ),否則將收回恢復原狀費用...
The myFirst Fone R1 is not to be confused with a toy, it can have more serious uses. Built around a traditional circular wristwatch, this product sets out to provide features that might appeal to both the young child and parents. Befitting its targeted market, the myFirst Fone R1, to...
myFirst Fone评分及评论 2.2(满分 5 分) 111 个评分 123445mrslee,2022/12/07 Will not recommend Purchased this watch as a Christmas present. Item was delivered loosely wrapped boxed in an envelope. When I unboxed the item a few days after, I found a deep hair line scratch on the watch an...
myFirst 旨在通過有趣創新的小工具來豐富孩子的學習經驗,陪伴兒童學習成長。作為父母,我們認為隨著世界的發展,孩子需要更多地接觸新技技和先進技術。 於 2017 年啟動了 myFirst,推出 myFirst Camera,成為韓國排名第一的兒童相機品牌!
My kid has been using Myfirstfone R1 for more than 2 years. Voice call and video call are effective and sound clarity is good. So far quite easy to use to locate position of my child. Recommend this watch for parents who want to keep track of their children location and to stay conne...
Register with Cult Beauty Referral Code : KCAM-R1 to get EUR 5 after your first purchase! Whether you're a skincare enthusiast, makeup lover, or haircare aficionado, Cult Beauty has something for everyone. others Singapore Sign Up Singtel Dash Referral Code Get SGD3 when you register wit...
读6月22日太阳光照图。完成下列填空(每空2分,共18分)。 (1)从南北半球看,此图所示的是 半球,图中所示是北半球的 季。 (2)图中AEC表示晨昏线,其中AE线是 线(晨线或昏线),其与赤道交点的时间 为 点。 (3)写出该图太阳直射点的地理坐标: 。 (4)这一天,A地昼长 小时,E地夜长 ...
商品型號:myFirst Fone R1 4G 智慧兒童手錶 顯示螢幕:1.3”TFT 圓形電容觸控螢幕 觸控螢幕:OGS 全觸控功能 鏡頭:2MP 前置鏡頭 SIM卡:NANO SIM Card 電池容量:580 mAh 通話時間:最多 6 小時 音樂播放:長達 10 小時 待機時間:最多 2 天 USB充電:5V,1A ...
FONE R1 / R1S 兒童手錶通用款 鋼化玻璃屏幕保護膜 僅與 myFirst Fone R1 和 myFirst Fone R1s 型號兼容
• 鋼化玻璃螢幕保護膜 • myFirst Fone R1C 適用 全店,🛒 單筆消費滿$1000免運費 全店,🛒【超商先付款再取貨】單筆消費滿$899免運費 NT$499 5.0 分 |1 個評價 數量 加入購物車 立即購買 加入追蹤清單 商品描述 送貨及付款方式 顧客評價