Sayoko Kawakami,Yukihisa Miyazawa.Case of Mycobacterium tuberculosis meningitis:Gram staining as a usaaeful initial diagnostic clue for tuberculous meningitis[J].Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy,2012,18(6):30-31.Kawakami S,Kawamura Y,Nishiyama K,et al.Case of Mycobacterium tuberculosis meningitis...
Property conferred bymycolic acidMycolic acidLong fatty acids found in the cell walls of some actinobacteria, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis.Tuberculosis Do not destain by acid alcohol after being stained with aniline dyes Gram stainGram stainKlebsiella: ...
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the germ that causes tuberculosis, is a rod bacterium. Due to the structure of its cell wall, it has to be classified as gram-positive although it only shows a poor uptake of stain. The ability of mycobacteria to resist decoloration by ethanol and acids is called ...
摘要: Although the Gram stain is a frequently used technique, its application to mycobacterial identification is confusing. A recent clinical experience is presented to demonstrate the gram-neutrality of the air-dried bacillus.关键词: Humans Mycobacterium tuberculosis Tuberculosis, Pulmonary Staining and ...
Tuberculosis... WheredidTBcomefrom? MycobacteriaareGram-positive(nooutercellmembrane),non-motile, pleomorphicrods,relatedtotheActinomyces.MostMycobacteriaarefoundin habitatssuchaswaterorsoil.However,afewareintracellularpathogens ofanimalsandhumans.Mycobacteriumtuberculosis,alongwithM.bovis,M. ...
If a Gram stain is performed, bacilli may be weakly Gram-positive or -negative. M. tuberculosis and M. bovis are the two most common species in the MTC to be reported in Old World primates and can cause sporadic or epizootic disease of high morbidity and mortality in these species. ...
A child with isolated Mycobacterium tuberculosis monoarthritis, with features initially suggesting oligoarthritis subtype of juvenile idiopathic arthritis, is presented. This patient illustrates the need to consider the possibility of tuberculosis as the cause of oligoarthritis in high-risk pediatric populatio...
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a pathogenic respiratory bacteria that cause tuberculosis and is highly successful in various conditions and adapts to survive in a host. Answer and Explanation: Learn more about this topic: Tuberculosis: Diagnosis, Treatments & Latency ...
(a fluorescent stain). Hence they are called acid-fast bacilli.M tuberculosisgrows slowly in culture, requiring an average of 2 to 3 weeks of incubation before growth can be detected. Colonies on solid media are off-white or buff in color, with a rough appearance. The cellular morphology ...
The molecular composition and the volume of this layer clearly differenciate Mycobacterium tuberculosis from pathogenic mycobacterial species, (also called capsule in this instance), from non-pathogenic ones. Recent studies have demonstrated that the outermost capsular components of the tuberculous bacillus ...