MYC靶标基因PCR芯片可用于研究与MYC调控相关的84个基因的表达情况。The Human MYC Targets RT² Profiler PCR Array profiles the expression of 84 key cancer-related genes controlled by a major oncogenic transcription factor. MYC contains a basic helix-loop-helix DNA-binding domain and a leucine zipper...
Myc targetsVersteeg RogierCaron Hubertus Nicolaas
参考报价:¥1 - 4800 品牌:英拜生物 产地:上海 型号:MYC靶向PCR芯片 MYC Targets PCR Array 样本:来电或留言获取样本 在线咨询 留言咨询 电话咨询 收藏 AI问答 MYC靶向PCR芯片MYCTargetsPCRArray价格? 可以检测什么? MYC靶向PCR芯片MYCTargetsPCRArray参数规格? 配套的耗材试剂? MYC靶向PCR芯片MYCTargetsPCRArray...
参考报价:¥1 - 4800 品牌:英拜生物 产地:上海 型号:MYC靶标基因PCR芯片MYC Targets PCR Array 样本:来电或留言获取样本 在线咨询 留言咨询 电话咨询 收藏 AI问答 MYC靶标基因PCR芯片MYCTargetsPCRArray价格? 可以检测什么? MYC靶标基因PCR芯片MYCTargetsPCRArray参数规格? 配套的耗材试剂? MYC靶标基因PCR芯片...
检测表型与基因组 MYC_TARGETS_V1 和 ALLOGRAFT_REJECTION 关联的能力计算如下。首先如上所述计算不同子集大小的 ES 和 ES avg的零分布。ES 和 ES avg如上所述计算,每个子集大小的 1000 次实现,用于估计采样分布。对于每个子集大小的每个实现,将 ES 和 ES avg与其各自的零分布进行比较,以确定是否观察到与p ...
然后使用TAG衍生的排序来驱动基因集富集分析(GSEA),在Hallmark基因集上进行,克隆复杂性的降低与Myc信号直接相关(Myc Targets V1和E2F靶点紧随Myc靶点V2,p < 10-5,图4B,C)。这个结果是非常有意义的,因为Myc信号传导是涉及细胞-细胞竞争的少数已描述的机制之一。Myc表达本身是超级竞争者克隆的特征,与Shannon熵显著...
The invention discloses a catalog of targets of the myc oncogene family identified by Serial Analysis of Gene Expression. The invention also discloses a method for analyzing myc downstream targets in view of the full context of myc induced changes in gene expression. The invention further disclose...
PCR ARRAY of Mouse MYC Targets,一、产品介绍:BioTNT qPCR Array专为检测不同组织或细胞中特定基因的表达量而设计,这些基因按照预制或定制要求成套设置。检测结果所显示的表达差异可帮助研究者鉴定或验证这些基因的生物学意义,以及与其研究的重要
MYC-driven transcriptional program enriched in gene sets related to cell proliferation (E2F_targets, G2M_chekpoint) or MYC-transcriptional activity per se (MYC_targets_V1/V2), was solely driven by the luminal cells (Fig.3a, b). In fact, the near totality of the MYC-driven transcriptional...
Myc proteins (c-myc, Mycn and Mycl) target proliferative and apoptotic pathways vital for progression in cancer. Amplification of the MYCN gene has emerged as one of the clearest indicators of aggressive and chemotherapy-refractory disease in children wi