The WRKY superfamily of plant transcription factors 热度: MYBtranscriptionfactorsin Arabidopsis ChristianDubos 1 ,RalfStracke 2 ,ErichGrotewold 3 ,BerndWeisshaar 2 ,CathieMartin 4 andLoı¨cLepiniec 1 1 InstitutJean-PierreBourgin,UMR1318INRA-AgroParisTech,78026VersaillesCedex,France ...
cell cycle [18]. Like B-MYB in blood cells [19], MYB3R factors are involved in regulating the transcription of cyclin genes via MYB recognition elements in cyclin promoters [18]. This may indicate functional conservation among The R2R3-MYB gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana ...
Key words: A rabidop s is thaliana; transcription factor; MYB; cell cycle; secondary metabolism; adversity stress (L ife Sc ience Research ,20 16,20(6 ):555耀560 ) 拟南芥基因组是目前已知植物基因组中最 DNA 结合域的结构, 转录因子可被分为多个不 小的, 因拟南芥属于自花受粉, 且基因高度...
The LATE ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL (LHY) and CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED (CCA1) genes encode closely related MYB transcription factors, which regulate circadian rhythms in Arabidopsis. LHY and CCA1 verify some of the properties of oscillator components, since (i) expression of their transcripts and protein...
关键词:拟南芥;R2R3.MYB转录因子;22亚族;结构与功能 Structureandfunctionofthe22ndsubfam ilyinArabidopsis R2R3-M YB family JintaoFan,ChenxiJiang,JihongXing,JingaoDong MycotoxinandMolecularPlantPathologyLaboratory,AgriculturalUniversityofHebei,Baoding071001,China Abstract:R2R3.MYBtranscriptionfactorsofArabidopsisplay...
Arabidopsis ProteinsPhylogenyPlantsProtein StructureTertiaryTranscription FactorsTranscription FactorsThe MYB family of proteins is large, functionally diverse and represented in all eukaryotes. Most MYB proteins function as transcription factors with varying numbers of MYB domain repeats conferring their ability ...
R2R3-MYBs are an important group of transcription factors that regulate crucial developmental processes across the plant kingdom; yet no comprehensive anal
The R2R3-MYB transcription factors are a crucial and extensive gene family in plants, which participate in diverse processes, including development, metabolism, defense, differentiation, and stress response. In the Lingnan region of China, Morinda offici
MYB transcription factors in Arabidopsis. Trends Plant Sci. 2010;15(10):573–81. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Ji K, Liu CY, Wu KY, Yue ZH, Dong Y, Gong BC et al. Genome-wide characterization of the R2R3-MYB gene family in Diospyros oleifera. Agriculture. 2023;13(5). Li H,...
The R2R3-MYB gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana 热度: TheR2R3-MYBTranscriptionFactorsMYB14andMYB15 RegulateStilbeneBiosynthesisinVitisvinifera W JanineHöll, a,1 AlessandroVannozzi, b,1 StefanCzemmel, c ClaudioD’Onofrio, d AmandaR.Walker, ...