转录因子的一个特点是它包含一个或多个DNA结合域(DNA-binding domain, DBDs),通过这些结合域与基因附近的DNA序列结合,从而完成调控。其他蛋白,如共激活因子(coactivators),染色质重构因子(chromatin remodelers),组蛋白乙酰化酶(histone acetylases),去乙酰化酶(deacetylases),激酶(kinases)和甲基化酶(methylases),虽然...
BHLH结合域序列是一段特定的氨基酸序列,通常由约60个氨基酸组成,其中的核心序列为“DNA-binding domain”。这个序列具有与DNA结合的能力,从而调控基因的表达。BHLH结合域的主要作用是识别和结合DNA上的特定序列,进而调控下游基因的表达。 在MYB基因中,BHLH结合域序列通常位于MYB蛋白的N端或C端,具有不同的结构和功能。
MYB作为植物中最大的转录因子家族之一,含有DNA结合结构域(DNA-binding domain, DBD)、转录调控区(transcription regulation domain, TRD)、寡聚化位点(oligomerization site, OS)和核定位信号(nuclear location signal, NSL)。该类转录因子通过DBD与下...
Schunnann A, Sokolowski R, Haas M, Wolfes H. Characterization of direct readout contacts of the Myb DNA-binding domain. Blood Cells Mol Dis. (2):464-9; 2001.Schurmann A, Sokolowski R, Haas M, Wolfes H. Characterization of direct readout contacts of the Myb DNA-binding domain. Blood ...
DNA-binding proteinsThe DNA-binding domain of c-Myb consists of three imperfect tandem repeats, R1, R2, and R3. Each repeat contains three helices. The minimal DNA-binding domain is an R2R3 fragment. Here, we have examined the backbone dynamics of ...
随着分子生物学的发展,近年来通过正向遗传学的方法得到了烟草、拟南芥和水稻绒毡层、花粉发育相关的T2DNA插入和理化诱变突变体,分析并克隆到了一些调控绒毡层形成、发育及在小孢子发育过程中起重要作用的相关基因,使我们进一步认识了花药绒毡层以及花粉发育的分子机制[12]。 对花药绒毡层结构、物质、发育过程及相关...
The cavity in the hydrophobic core of Myb DNA- binding domain is reserved for DNA recognition and trans- activation. Nat Struct Biol 3, 178–187. Pabo CO, Sauer RT (1992). Transcription factors: structural families and principles of DNA recognition. Annu Rev Bio- chem 61, 1053–1095. Paz...
Ten conserved motifs were identified in the R2R3-CnMYBs proteins by MEME software, motif 1, motif 2, motif 3, and motif 4 were found to encode the MYB DNA-binding domain, while the other motifs didn’t have function annotation (Fig.3A, Fig. S1). Each R2R3-CnMYB protein contained on...
克隆出全长 编号 功能预测 ORF 蛋白保守域 实验进展 Cp58811 Alcohol dehydrogenase transcription factor Myb 2202 含有两个Myb/SANT-like DNA-binding domain 已克隆出全长 Cp49846 MYBTF可调控DUO pollen 已克隆出2061bp, 不存在保守结构域 无终止子,3'端需继续扩增©...