看了一下MAL(myanimelist:全球最大的英文动画评分网站)网站All Anime中Top Anime(评分最高)动画的排名:魔道祖师和天官赐福依然坚挺前两百诶! 其中(截止2023.04.15)魔道完结篇:83 魔道前尘篇:152 天官特...
MyAnimeList动画评分top10 https://myanimelist.net/topanime.php 1、钢之炼金术师FA 2、死神千年血战 3、命运石之门 4、银魂第三期 5、辉爷大小姐想让我告白第三季 6、进击的巨人第三季part2 7、银魂最终篇 8、银魂第二期 9、全职猎人(2011) 10、银魂第二期延长战...
For those who need a recap, onMyAnimeListfans can add different series to their own personal account rankings; thus, adding themselves automatically as a ‘Member’ of that production. PerMyAnimeList, these are the top 20 anime series from 2022 with the most members: Spy x Family Part 1 – ...
Not so much. You can only search for anime on the app and not the characters, manga, people, etc. it’s even hard to look for recommendations and just browsing for anime when it only presents you with the top airing, just added, top upcoming, seasonal animes, etc. the app really isn...
对于每一种type,进行分组groupby()统计,选取TV,电影,音乐剧,OVA,ONA,特典里,分数前五名(TOP 5)。TV版动漫前五名分别是:Spoon-hime no Swing Kitchen(无官方翻译,下同)钢之炼金术师 银魂 命运石之门 排球少年 电影动漫前五名分别是:Taka no tsume 8: Yoshidaun no X fairu Mogura no Motoro...
https://myanimelist.net/topanime.php?type=airing&limit=100 排名类型分布由type/limit控制 目录下建立nameDict.txt,如果该文件有中文-罗马音对照,会在生成的excel输入中文名 脚本如下: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-importrequestsfrombs4importBeautifulSoupimportxlwtimportredefgetHTMLText(url):try:r=requests.get...
其中,OVA是Original Video Animation(原创光盘动画),ONA是Original Net Anime(原创网络动画,靠网络传播的免费动画)。TV版,OVA和动漫电影是数据来源的主要对象。 Rating是用户给动漫的分数,满分为10分。拿动漫类型和分数进行分析可以得到数据的箱型图: 所有类型中,电影版的分数相对分散,可能受到电影质量,市场,题材等影...
Top 15 Best Underrated Anime: Writer's Corner Sifting through the dark, forgotten recesses of My Anime List like some sort of anime hipster, our writers have brought you 15 of what they consider to be the most underrated anime out there. Under appreciated masterpiece or stinker that got th...
HBO Max has the boon of hostingMyAnimeList's top-rated TV animeas well as the fifth highest-rated movie in the form ofYourName.From the studio that would go on to animateWeathering with Youand director/writer Makoto Shinkai,Your Namewas a quickly-acclaimed romantic fantasy movie. ...