Access detailed reviews and receive numerous recommendations for all anime and manga on MyAnimeList.Screenshots⚡️ Anime & Manga ⚡️Discover Seasonal Anime, Top Upcoming Anime, Most Popular Anime, Anime Ranking Lists, All-time Favorites, and more. Access Anime/Manga Synopses, Related and ...
Best of all, easily update your episode and chapter progress so your list is never out of date. Our app will help keep you on top of all things anime: • New anime announcements • What's trending now • Friends' scores and stats ...
(self, status='all', username=None): if username == None: username = self.username payload = {'u': username, 'status': status, 'type': 'anime'} r = requests.get( '', params=payload, headers={'User-Agent': self.user_agent} ) if "_... 排名类型分布由type/limit控制 目录下建立nameDict.txt,如果该文件有中文-罗马音对照,会在生成的excel输入中文名 脚本如下: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-importrequestsfrombs4importBeautifulSoupimportxlwtimportredefgetHTMLText(url):try:r=requests.get...
Rating: The average user rating of the anime, calculated from user reviews and scores on MyAnimeList. Episodes: The total number of episodes in the anime series. Date: The release or air date of the anime. Data Source: The data was collected by web scraping the top anime rankings from MyA...