This is the main article for Monsters. For the category, see Category:Monsters. This article is about the Monsters of My Singing Monsters. For the Monsters of My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire, see Monsters (Dawn of Fire). Monsters are the main inhabitan
Seasonal Monsters are a special class of limited-time Monsters in My Singing Monsters that are exclusive to Seasonal Events. Seasonal Monsters are limited-time Monsters that only become available for purchase and breeding during short windows of time on
Monsters 1 Ghazt 2 Plasma Islet 3 Grumpyre 4 G'joob 5 Version 4.6 Trailer My Singing Monsters Thumpies Trailer My Singing Monsters Game Trailer Did you know... ... that theMy Singing MonstersCastleplays the electric bass on the Islands it appear on?
游戏官网: 其他网址: 同时该游戏已和任天堂nintendo联合合作,所以风险性也在逐步加大: 商标+版权 经核实,无论是美国版权局还是美国商标局,该游戏原创作者Big Blue Bubble公司给均无注册相关知识产权。虽然无注册,但...
Rare Steems Steems is a quad element Thunder/Spiritual/Magma/Techno Jadelin. Steems is a small, gray monster with a fire-colored crest, and two large steam pipes attached to one side each. Instrument: Synth BellVST: Soundtrap - Siren Bell Steems contribu
I Like My Monsters Rare is an optional mission in Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt. Kill pink boroks: 0/8 Kill tailless scaylion: 0/8 Kill two-legged drifters: 0/6 Kill albino skags: 0/5 Kill slagged spores: 0/4 Upon the acceptance of this mission, Thirstb
MonsDRAWsity: My Lil' Monsters[Board Game Link] Imagine seeing a real alien stomping through your backyard. Now imagine describing what it looked like to a police sketch artist. That is exactly what you are expected to do while playing the frantic drawing party gameMonsDRAWsity: My Lil' Mon...
Thanks for my gift is a video gift that is sold at the Video Gifts Store in Moshi Monsters. Clutch
Once, our way was blocked by a row of boulder-flinging monsters. The warrior next to me hesitated. And I realised this was a job for my spellcaster: I stepped forward, raised my silver catalyst, and began blasting away to clear our path – just as the third player present emerged from...
技能一藤鞭技能二光之再生技能三无 名称树妖种族精怪 洗练所需 药水数量 3洗练范围80-80 品质粉最大LV70力量0智力0体值0耐力0 攻击284-284防御284-284生命3706-3706命中95-100爆击31.5闪避0-10 技能一藤鞭技能二光之再生技能三无 藤鞭-发动基础攻击,造成100%并附加200点攻击伤害。每级提升200点伤害 ...