This is the main article for Monsters. For the category, see Category:Monsters. This article is about the Monsters of My Singing Monsters. For the Monsters of My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire, see Monsters (Dawn of Fire). Monsters are the main inhabitan
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My Singing Monsters Wiki 1,914 pages Explore My Singing Monsters Dawn of Fire Community Other Games ALL POSTS Woolabee Wiki Article Woolabee Woolabee is a Triple-Element Fire Monster found on Fire Oasis and Amber Island. It was added on June 19th, 2019 during the 2.3.0 Fire Oasis ...
Noggin has the highest rate of income per bed of the Single-Element Natural Monsters. Noggin is the only Single-Element Natural Monster that does not sing. This is similar to how Grumpyre is the only Single-Element Ethereal Monster that does sing. Coincidentally, Stogg is the only instrumen...
A bug happened where Kayna would sing but could not be heard during the beginning of it and Wynq's Fire Oasis verse. Kayna is obtainable without Relics on every island it's on except Amber Island. When Rare Kayna is available, it can be purchased from the market for Diamonds and then ...
You can help My Singing Monsters Wiki by expanding this section with relevant information.Version 2.6.0Banner for 2.6.0 1/1One Prismatic, Two Prismatic, Red Prismatic, Blue Prismatic... The Monster-Handlers have been bedazzled by the colorful creatures from beyond the Prism Gate for almost a ...
PomPom is a Triple-Element Monster that is first unlocked on Air Island. It was added alongside Cybop, Scups, and Riff on September 12th, 2012 during version 1.0.2. It is best obtained by breeding two Monsters that have the combined Elements of Earth, Co
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“You Can Have the Ground, My Love,” first printed inClassic Monsters Unleashed, is also available to read atThe Dark. In this story, I definitely have entirely normal feelings about The Bride of Frankenstein and have absolutelynotover-identified with this character. Contains aromantic MCs, res...
“You Can Have the Ground, My Love” is my reprint inThe Dark(first published inClassic Monsters Unleashed), and it’s exactly what happens when you over-identify with the Bride of Frankenstein. I can promise undead monster ladies, resurrections, and murder! And really, what else do you ne...