The chickens started chasing the weasel, and when the weasel attacked, they attacked the weasel with chicken poop, and the weasel was beaten to pieces and all fled. The chickens are very happy. But to the back, see the weasel into the quicksand, but the chickens can ignore their own dang...
Pencil-thin poop The shape of your poop can give you a sense of your pelvic floor and sphincter function, says Freuman. If you see a long, thin poop, it may mean that your anal sphincter may be tight or not completely relaxed. Pencil-thin poop can happen for a variety of reasons, ...
What is an unhealthy poop? Types of abnormal poop pooping too often (more than three times daily) not pooping often enough (less than three times a week)excessive straining when pooping. poop that is colored red, black, green, yellow, or white. greasy, fatty stools. What do long skinny ...
Black, bright red, and pencil-thin stools are red flags for colon cancer. Colon cancer poop may have the following characteristics: Black poop is a red flag for cancer of the bowel. Blood from in the bowel becomes dark red or black and can make poop stools look like tar. Such poop nee...
i got up i got you - james bro i gotta go and get my i gotta make it i gotta poop i grabbed my carbine i grant you i growled at him i growled deeply i guarantee furnace e i guess i could i guess it all starte i guess now well neve i guess our love stor i guess some i...
its out of the questi its poop its rained so much th its really good its really such a gro its scary scientist m its so easy - buddy h its so far its so hard to make e its so hard to say go its so hard to walk a its so magical its so strong my love its summer time its ...
He didn’t even have to poop.Then we both got back in the car, and I left him loose with me, so as not to extend crate time. My partner got discharged, and this cheered him up. The ride home wasn’t as awful for him as the ride to the hospital. But the food toy I had ...
I pack a razor, small tube of environmentally friendly shaving cream, and a camp mirror. Generally shaving my head and face every 2-3 days during a trip.Pooping KitEverybody poops. But there’s a particular way to poop in the backcountry that minimizes your impact on nature in the ...
I wash my hands after my dogs rolled in the dirt and poop, and this morning all of my keyboards and stuff got the ultra violet treatment. I had a yearly exam of my vascular system at the VA this week. We happen to love life and want to be around longer. ...
Unchewed seeds usually pass right through and come out whole in your poop. But cows and other animals often chew up seeds with the fruit, so they can get sick from eating apples and plums that fall to the ground. Why would trees make poisoned seeds? To make them safe! Amygdalin tastes...