Obviously you knew once they announced twin pregnancies that this whole process was going to be People cover story material so I’m glad they didn’t make us wait too long for the unveiling. Nope, I lied. I’m not done. I read the article in People mag and I got annoyed again. ...
Multimodal model for text and tabular data with HuggingFace transformers as building block for text data - Multimodal-Toolkit/datasets/PetFindermy_Adoption_Prediction/val.csv at master · georgian-io/Multimodal-Toolkit
including long and skinny roundworms , or little rice-shaped tapeworm segments. remember, stool that has been outside for hours may have little creatures in it that weren't there at the outset, so it's important to collect a fresh sample.veterinarians run additional fecal tests to check ...
So, I was off. My new Subaru was packed and ready for a long road trip. I was about to find out how long it really was going to take. I wanted to make it to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, but didn’t make reservations anywhere just in case there were some time restraints. I’m glad...
“My dog didn’t shit. Why would I be carrying this poop bag if I didn’t intend to clean it?” “I’M GOING DOWN THERE AND IF I SEE SHIT I AM RUBBING IT IN YOUR FACE.” [This is a verbatim quote] I continue on down the block past my house because my dogstill needs to sh...
I finally changed the title to “Lynn’s List,” which I admit is more rhythmic and alliterative than “Lynn’s Vagina.” When Mother left I blew her kisses from the driveway and thought about how she’s loved “Desperado” for as long as I can remember. In the early ’90s, we too...
There was this area between our houses that was long and skinny and really a big pain in the butt to water. To water this area I would have to move a single head sprinkler from one spot to the next and gauge the water just enough to get the grass but not enough to water the side...
Well, that “normal” is long gone… This hasn’t been happening for months now. Now, when I hit that metaphorical wall, I will drift in and out of sleep. Sometimes just until the dead of night. Other times it is until the dawn begins to break. But I just can’t stay awake witho...
This drug is the ‘breakthrough of the year’ — and it could mean the end of the HIV epidemic Six Childhood Scourges We’ve Forgotten About, Thanks to Vaccines The Burmese python problem: how 20ft predators are wreaking havoc on the Everglades Other: As D.C. Council weighs Trayon White...
Now, in Grade Three, and with over two dozen private lessons behind us, this kid is reading like a champ! Sure, he’s still got a long way to go before he will catch up to his grade level, but the momentum is there, and he’s making me very proud. So proud, in fact, that ...