Fluffy, Pooples, Miss Kitty, S04E09 Unnamed Cat #7, S04E09 Unnamed Cat #8, S04E09 Unnamed Cat #9, Lemon Squeezy, S04E09 Unnamed Cat #10, S07E13 Unnamed Cat #1, S09E10 Unnamed Cat #1, S09E10 Unnamed Cat #2, and S09E10 Unnamed Cat #3 are Goldie Delicious' pets.[...
The chickens started chasing the weasel, and when the weasel attacked, they attacked the weasel with chicken poop, and the weasel was beaten to pieces and all fled. The chickens are very happy. But to the back, see the weasel into the quicksand, but the chickens can ignore their own dang...
Sometimes funny. Sometimes serious. Always genuine. Mental Defecation? Yes, because every word on this site is shit I thought. If you'd like to learn more, choose a button below. About All Posts Definition: 'Love' is making a shot to the knees of a targe
my Piggie got no warning. Once more, when the thin strip of leather landed across her bottom, she let out a loud squeal accompanied by a stream of brown-y, water-y poop coming out of her ass. I leaned down and used 猪与猪交尾I在我的右手流行了一副稀薄的塑料手套在它附近再然后包裹了...
请以“My Favorite Traditional Festival"为题写一篇英语短文,介绍你最喜欢的传统节日。要求:1.语意连贯正确.语言流畅.书写规范2.卷面整洁,文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名3.80个词左右When is it?What do people do?My Favorie Tradiional FestivalWhat do poope eat?HOwdoy0urc▱ ...
I noticed something was rolling or sliding when I came to a stop or traveled up or down a hill. The feeling and sound was coming fromunderthe floorboard under my left foot. There was nothing visibly moving, as my car is currently immaculate and quite free of rolled-up bags of previous ...
Am I floundering in the same toilet bowl as everyone else, or is this just my personal toilet bowl? Where is all of this poop coming from?!? So I am coping in the same way many others are doing, by overindulging in premature holiday décor, lights and music. Michael Buble all day....
Is it really possible to be so spineless? Why don’t you protest? Why be silent? Is it possible in this world to be without teeth and claws--- to be such a nincompoop?”She smiled crookedly and I read in her expression: “ It is possible.”...
But if you aren’t eating these foods and you’re consistently seeing bright red blood in your poop—or if your poop is blackish-red or contains dark red blood—the blood is likely coming from higher up in your gut. This could be more serious, so I encourage you to check in with yo...
“My dog didn’t shit. Why would I be carrying this poop bag if I didn’t intend to clean it?” “I’M GOING DOWN THERE AND IF I SEE SHIT I AM RUBBING IT IN YOUR FACE.” [This is a verbatim quote] I continue on down the block past my house because my dogstill needs to sh...