the special guests at our dinner table. I know I was sitting on the edge of my padded kitchen chair staring at him and trying so very hard to take in his every sumptuous word. We weren’t in the dining room; the yellow kitchen was cozier and more appropriate when only one extra guest...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
but not yet over the cradle. You cannot let go or it will come off and maybe fly away. Hopefully you have a third needle nose vise grips within arms reach that is already adjusted and ready to clamp. Without letting the spring snap back and without taking too much time, clamp the thir...
“Well,” she’d say peeking over the reading glasses perched on her nose, one eyebrow slightly raised, “you’re busier than a one-armed paper hanger.” To which I might reply, completely missing the point, “Whatever, mom, gotta go.” and off I’d speed to fill my life with the...
Here's what the color of mucus indicates:Cloudy or white mucus is a sign of a cold. Yellow or green mucus is a sign of a bacterial infection. Brown or orange mucus is sign of dried red blood cells and inflammation (aka a dry nose). ...
The other thing was that I had removed the “nose” of the car (bumper brackets, bumper, spoiler, grill block off panel, etc) because I had intended to create a new 1 piece nose/air dam with splitter. I still plan to do this BUT I knew there was no way I would be able to do...
Life Without Plastic sent me a few of their new airtight glass containers with stainless lids to review a few months ago, and the containers have been sitting in the pile beside my desk along with other cool plastic-free products that companies have sent