Another common type of infection, swimmer’s ear, can happen when a tiny amount of water stays in your ear after you swim. Too much moisture wears away your ear canal’s natural layer of defense against germs. Ear pain, having a hard time hearing, and feeling like you have fluid in yo...
Each year, foxtail plants drop hundreds of seeds into the earth, and they harden as they dry out. Once stepped on, the barb-shaped seeds hook into your dog’s skin. The sharp awns can work their way into any part of your dog’s body, including their nose, eyes, ears, and mouth, ...
Or does he seem lethargic or uninterested in food? Excessive sleeping in a dog that is eating well and full of energy when awake is unlikely to have any significance. It’s just what dogs do. I find myelderly dogstend to sleep more than they did when they were young.But if your dog...
I have never had a baby so I have never breastfed but from my research I have read that this mild detox wouldn’t effect your blood stream (which is would would alter your milk). Again, I would do your own research to make a decision that you are comfortable with or contact your do...
My car makes whining noise when eccelerating lift the hood and had son rev engine and power steering fluid was bubbling in resevoir very rapidly is it pump or clogged line didn’t notice any leak and fluid level is fine? BlueDevil Proon September 9, 2014 at 8:15 pm ...