Ein Paket, das 13.000 Heldenkristalle enthält. Bei Heldenkristallen handelt es sich um eine spielinterne Währung, mit der du Tickets für Überraschungsboxen und Items im Shop von My Hero ULTRA RUMBLE erwerben kannst.
LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE! Leap into the fray with your fellow heroes...and villains! Use communication, tactics, and synergize Quirks with your team of 3 to be the last ones standing in this 24-player Battle Royale! MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR QUIRK!
■ 內容 .轉蛋券 200張 ■ 注意事項 .本內容的下載期限到2025年1月14日(二)為止。 .每位玩家帳戶僅限購買一次。 .須先下載「MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE」並訂用PlayStation®Plus,方可使用上述追加內容。若安裝過程需要遊戲最新版本,還請依循指示更新遊戲程式再行使用
「MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE」是什麼? 「MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE」是家用主機平台最新作品,化身為「我的英雄學院」的角色,以3人1組的編制、享受共8組的多人大亂鬥的遊玩樂趣。 在廣大的舞台中,運用各個角色獨特的「個性」,和線上的夥伴們協力戰鬥,以成為生存到最後的團隊為目標努力前進! 每一季都會追加更新不同...
Balíček obsahující 61 000 krystalů Hero Crystals. Hero Crystals jsou herní měnou, kterou lze použít k losování Roll Tickets a k výměně předmětů v obchodě My Hero ULTRA RUMBLE.
Stijg boven PLUS ULTRA uit in het nieuwe, gratis te spelen battle-royale-spel voor 24 spelers 'MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE'! Kies je favoriete personage, maak een team en vecht tot alleen jullie nog overeind staan!
Go beyond PLUS ULTRA in the new 24-player Battle Royale free to play game "MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE"! Pick your favorite character, team up and fight to be the last ones standing!
MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE is a new fighting game where you can play as your favorite characters from MY HERO ACADEMIA in battle royale matches between 8 teams made up of 3 players each.Use each character’s unique Quirk to your advantage as you battle your way through the vast stages together ...
Рейтинги MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE - Hero Crystals Pack B (5,000 crystals) Глобальныеоценкиигроков 0.0Нетоценок Нетоценок 0% 0% Сведенияобигреиюридическаяинформация ...
A pack containing 34,000 Hero Crystals. Hero Crystals are in-game currency that can be used to draw Roll Tickets and exchange items in the Shop in My Hero ULTRA RUMBLE. ※Use of this add-on requires the full version of the game sold separately. You may