MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE - Hero Crystals Pack G (61,000 crystals) Calificación global de los jugadores 0.0Sin calificaciones Sin calificaciones 0 % 0 % Información legal y del juego Un set que contiene 61 000 cristales de héroe. Los cristales de héroe son la moneda del juego y pueden usa...
Online play required 24 online players LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE! Leap into the fray with your fellow heroes...and villains! Use communication, tactics, and synergize Quirks with your team of 3 to be the last ones standing in this 24-player Battle Royale!
MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE - Hero Crystals Pack E (34,000 crystals) €59,99 Bewertungen MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE Bewertungen globaler Spieler 36989 Bewertungen 69 % 11 % 7 % 2 % 12 % Informationen zum Spiel und rechtliche Hinweise 1. Jubiläum seit dem Start! Saison 7 ist da!
Go beyond PLUS ULTRA in the new 24-player Battle Royale free to play game "MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE"! Pick your favorite character, team up and fight to be the last ones standing!
Online multiplayer (2-24) Xbox achievements Xbox cloud saves Add-ons for this game Show all MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE - Hero Crystals Pack A (2,450 crystals) R19,00 MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE - Hero Crystals Pack C (13,000 crystals) R449,00 MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE - Hero Crystals Limited Set (...
「MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE」是什麼? 「MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE」是家用主機平台最新作品,化身為「我的英雄學院」的角色,以3人1組的編制、享受共8組的多人大亂鬥的遊玩樂趣。 在廣大的舞台中,運用各個角色獨特的「個性」,和線上的夥伴們協力戰鬥,以成為生存到最後的團隊為目標努力前進!
MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE Slide 1 of 9 This is a modal window. No supported media sources Next upNext up: This is a modal window. No supported media sources Next upNext up: This is a modal window. No supported media sources Next upNext up: ...
Online multiplayer (2-24) Xbox-achievements Xbox-opslag in de cloud Uitbreidingen voor deze game Alles weergeven MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE - Hero Crystals Pack G (61,000 crystals) € 99,99 MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE - Hero Crystals Pack B (5,000 crystals) € 9,99 MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE - Hero...
“MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE”是什么? “MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE”是家用主机平台最新作品,化身为“我的英雄学院”的角色,以3人1组的编制、享受共8组的多人大乱斗的游玩乐趣。 在广大的舞台中,运用各个角色独特的“个性”,和线上的伙伴们协力战斗,以成为生存到最后的团队为目标努力前进!
Nintendo Switch MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE Loading Lute em partidas intensas de battle royale! PREPARE-SE PARA A AÇÃO!Salte para a briga com seus companheiros heróis… e vilões! Comunique, use táticas e sinergize o uso de habilidades Quirk com seu time de 3 para serem os últimos ...