however, this desire to please can go too far. If you have a dog that is excessively submissive, they’ll tend to pee constantly – whether that’s out of excitement, fear or just general subservience.
However, in a dog’s world, peeing is a way to communicate. In her New York-based Dog Cognition Lab, Alexandra Horowitz spends a lot of time studying canine urine and its meaning. “Dogs—like all other canids—leave urine conspicuously splashed on all manner of object,” Horowitz says. ...
A common worry among dog owners are dogs that are afraid of them. Questions like “What if my dog is afraid of me? How do I know if my dog is scared of me? How to get a scared dog like you?” come up in pet forms showing a big number of people worrying that they might have ...
Hormonal therapies: in certain cases where overgrooming is related to hormonal imbalances, hormonal therapies prescribed by a veterinarian may help regulate the cat's behavior. Anti-inflammatory treatment: for cases where overgrooming is due to pain or discomfort, anti-inflammatory medications may be ...
You can also consider gettingdog diapersto help reduce the amount of leaking in the house. I still would advise a urinalysis to be sure there is no infection. But if it is an ectopic ureter, dogs can live quite happily with this...they just leak a lot!
Last night, we trimmed one of our dog's nails a little too close to the quick and hit a tiny artery in his nail. It wouldn't stop bleeding, the blood was actua...
If your dog is acting out when you leave the house, and they are exhibiting any of these behaviors, separation anxiety could be the cause: Peeing in the house Pooping in the house Barking excessively Howling for long periods Chewing inappropriate objects Digging or trying to escape Peeing or...
I wanted a dog; the deal killer was that I’d have to walk it in the winter because he didn’t want a dog. My husband said that we should get a cat. I didn’t like that idea very much until we went to a pet store and saw a beautiful little kitten there. She was white with...
My dog currently has a broken pelvis that is not mending. It started as a slight limp for a few days which didn't seem to be causing her any pain so we rested her thinking she had been running round too much on her walk the previous day as she is very energetic. Then when we wok...
My dog has a lump on the right side of his chest. (I think it's his chest. It's an inch below his collar, on the front of him,below his neck but just above his legs, and to the right.) The lump is about 1 1/2 inch in diameter. It doesn't seem to bother him and he ...