This is particularly likely if your dog is excessively subservient, an issue that we discussed a little earlier. If you’re playing with your dog on the bed and they suddenly stop to pee, it may be a case ofexcitement getting the better of them. Your dog may even be trying to say tha...
They are fully aware of their owners' weakness for their adorable expressions, and they cleverly utilize it, even when they commit acts like peeing on the floor. These actions highlight their ability to charm their way back into their human's good graces. Stretching Unlike humans, dogs don't...
As far as exercise, you should definitely keep her on a leash so that she does not run excessively. Probably not what you want to hear. Christie on December 15, 2018: My 1 year old Jack Russel has just been diagnosed with luxating patella. The vet said it was geade 1 and will have...
All of a sudden I’m sure it is the male peeing in the house when I leave. It makes sense that it is separation axniety because of Covid I have been home so much so now when I leave they pee. Don’t know how to cure this however??? Reply Jessica Rhae says: November 18,...
I adopted my dog Nubby a year ago from a local shelter. A few months after I adopted him, he started showing signs of aggression. While on the couch he nipped my 2 year old. All of a sudden out of the blue he got up and went straght for him and nipped my 2 year olds face. ...
Our dog Vinnie started suddenly to become lethargic and then over a period of 4 months started to go blind. We have had his blood tested with no issues. A urine...
HOW TO FUNCTION IN A PACK:Behave!This means: (1) remembering your manners(no chewing of the couch or peeing on the carpet)and (2) always doing your best to get along with the rest of the pack(no excessive growling or biting!) ...
It's possible that she had eaten something unusual that had penetrated her intestines or stomach, but this really shouldn't cause a sudden death. I wish I could give you a more definite answer. If you would like to, you are welcome to send me a picture and a story of Piper's life...
My babys weenie is all dry and irritated and NEVER goes back in. I went to a vet and I paid $50 for an exam and all they told me was to keep it cleaned and to k...
My beloved Pug, Newt, passed away last October.She was 12 years old. She developed a sudden onset of complete paralysis of her hind legs. When I took her to the...