How to stop a male dog from peeing in the house Training is the way to get a male dog to stop peeing inside your house, but it may not be as simple as that. There are a lot of things that can cause this behavior, and to some extent, understanding and thinking like your dog think...
If you have more than one dog or more than one animal in your family home, your dog may be intimidated and sending a message to these competitors. Peeing in his or her own bed is a dog’s way of saying, “this bed is for me and me alone. Go and find your own place to sleep....
Why Is My Older Dog Suddenly Peeing In The House? There are a lot of different reasons your older dog might suddenly start peeing in the house again as they get older. The best thing you can do is talk to your vet to determine the specific cause of your dog’s behavior. Sadly, when...
Much like peeing everywhere, they are basically saying "I was here!"61. Scooting Butt On The FloorProbably one of the funniest, and what looks to be painful, habits that dogs do is scoot their butts all over the floor, no matter what that floor might be like. But the reason why ...
Question:I have a seven-year-old dog; he is trained on the pee pad. He has been peeing and pooping on the pee pad since we got him at three-month-old. Recently, he started to poop in my bedroom or my sons' bedroom. He has a pee pad in the usual spot all day long. It's ...
How to Stop Your Dog from Peeing in the House (6 Tips) 6 Tips on How to Get Your Dog to Listen to You How To Clean A Dog Without A Bath (9 Tips) What to Do If Your Dog Won’t Listen Outside Recent Posts link to Teaching Your Dog to Sit: A Fun Journey in 5 Steps ...
Peeing In The House: Causes The reasons why your dog might suddenly start peeing in the house extend from the mundane, such as having had a bit too much (water) to drink, to the serious, such as diabetes. Identifying which cause is at play in your home will require looking at what el...
Uncontrollable peeing or pooping Loss of consciousness Before a seizure, some dogs may seem nervous and restless and whine, shake, or drool. Afterward, your dog may be disoriented, wobbly, or temporarily blind. They may walk in circles and bump into things. They might have a lot of drool ...
Senior pets may have special needs as they age. Their eye sight may become poor, they may have incontinence and may have difficulty peeing and pooping properly. They may experience painful bones and may have heart conditions. At worse animals may get cancer and other life threatening diseases....
Our graceful, intelligent, little dog-person was now lifting his leg and peeing on the side of the couch. There really is such a thing as a pissing contest. We worked more with the trainer. I don’t want to relive it all here, but trust me when I say that we did all the things...