While most territories regulate cannabis similarly to alcohol, meaning you must be at least 19 years old to buy it in most places (18 in Alberta), stricter rules apply for its cultivation, marketing and packaging to prevent encouraging use among minors or misrepresenting potency levels and healt...
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This post comes to you from Edmonton, Alberta, where the outside temperature right now is minus forty degrees Celsius. If you’re wondering what that is in Fahrenheit, the answer is, “It doesn’t matter.” Minus forty is where the two scales match up. If you add a bit of a breeze ...
Owner, Manager, Lead Developer, Calgary, Alberta, May 2006 to July 2022 Lead Web Developer for all web projects created by mobile agency AppColony. Worked with some of the biggest Marketing and Interactive agencies on award winning projects as an independent contractor. Contacted to convert multipl...
Both Protestant and Catholic Irish were heavily involved in settlement and colonization, as leaders as well as settlers, from the RCMP to the residential schools, from opening up Alberta to widespread land cultivation and the lumber industry. That said, we have to be careful about accountability....
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the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) funded the University of Alberta Evidence-based Practice Center to develop a systematic review of the... John M. Eisenberg Center for Clinical Decisions and Communications Science. In: Comparative Effectiveness Review Summary Guides for Clinicians ...