I was born in Edmonton, Alberta. I was there because of education. My dad was getting his PhD at the University of Alberta. I was born the year he defended, so I really had no choice but to go down this academic path. And so I’m the daughter of a scientist, and I’m a...
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The Alberta Innovates Revenue Accelerator Product Benefits Products Customers Known Partners Why They Buy Information not available because my-eforce has not claimed their profile. Work for my-eforce? Claim your profile by submitting an Analyst Briefing. By submitting you can Show your primar...
Headquarters Location Calgary,Alberta, Canada Suggest an edit You're one click awayfrom the most comprehensive, unmatched analyst expertise in tech, in-depth private company data and a platform that brings it all together. Click Now. Join a live demo ...
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“We save money, we save time, and we save unnecessary congestion of the EDs in urban centers,” said Dr. Jonathan Choy, Senior Medical Director of Virtual Care, Access and Navigation for Alberta Health Services, during an EY webcast on virtual care.1 ...
It’s all the little things, sure — the costuming, the way it’s shot on a beautifully sunny Alberta day, the perfect vows, and all the rest of it — but also, it’s because the wedding was there to exist as a wedding; nothing more, nothing less. It wasn’t inserted as a ...
会议日期: 2025-08-18 会议地点: Calgary, Alberta, Canada 届数: 22 CCF:cCORE:bQUALIS:b2浏览:105800关注:154参加:62 征稿 Ubiquitous sensors, devices, networks, and information are paving the way towards a smart world in which computational intelligence is distributed throughout the physical environm...
https://www.ieee-smart-world.org/2025/ 截稿日期: 2025-03-31 通知日期: 2025-05-31 会议日期: 2025-08-18 会议地点: Calgary, Alberta, Canada 浏览:4983关注:0参加:0 征稿 The metaverse, a concept that originated in Neal Stephenson's 1992 science fiction novel "Snow Crash," has evolved from...
This post comes to you from Edmonton, Alberta, where the outside temperature right now is minus forty degrees Celsius. If you’re wondering what that is in Fahrenheit, the answer is, “It doesn’t matter.” Minus forty is where the two scales match up. ...