tracking your anime and manga. Easiest 5/5 for me. If a developer gets this review I only really have one issue with the app and it’s its search engine. Even though it works fine and well I feel like it lags a few seconds before I could get results for my searches. It would be...
My Anime L..今天突发奇想去Myanimelist上搜了几个我特别喜欢的番,当然包括PP,然后发现PP在欧美圈里人气还是挺高的,Most Popular榜单上第33名是PP第一季。然后逛着逛着逛到第二季,下面的这个
This review may contain spoilers Yin Yang Master It Is Not Onmyouji or The Yin Yang Master: Zero is the latest Japanese live action adaptation of the popular game, Onmyouji. This IP has had many movie and anime adaptations over the years, three of which are Japanese films, including this ...
lz你那个网站名打错了,是Myanimelist不是Myganimelist。还有saber—《fate/say》是fate/stay night不是《fate/say》 赞(4) 回复 春夏秋冬 (啦啦啦) 2021-11-15 07:00:08 为什么会有这种感觉?不过论坛漫迷基础男性确实远大于女性。 针目缝 破案了,这个网站的用户75%的男性,25%的女性。 https://myanim...
全球最大动漫网站Myganimelist(基本与国人无关)人气标记最高的10个动漫男角色,有没有你喜欢的? 来自: 针目缝 2021-11-12 11:17:34 已编辑 10:鸣人—《火影忍者》 9:爱德华·艾尔利克—《钢之炼金术师fa》 8:奇犽·揍敌客—《全职猎人》 7:索隆—《海贼王》 6:夜神月—《死亡笔记》 5:冈部伦太郎—《...
报!经白夜播出,巨人..报!经白夜播出,巨人第三季part2的my anime list评分已上升至9.13,位列mal榜tv动画第二!
欧美动漫网站my a..1 Lamperouge, Lelouch26740 Votes 2 Lawliet, L23994 Votes 3 Monkey D., Luffy15841 Votes 4
My Anime L..帮忙开个帖子吧。。。随便写写。。。最近补了蛮多的番。。。其中一部就是白箱,唯一一个是那么多补番中 刷2次的。。。(其他一次看过就算。。。)
Rated Anime Reviews Write a Review Links Yesterday 11:27 pm Anonymous Who is this? Replies: 1 Latest Comments Kanao Tsuyuri Cool-Anonymous Quotes and they can stretch so much, and... soft kitty!-Alyssa Soft kitty!-Alyssa Ahem. Let's get back on topic.-Alyssa...