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lz你那个网站名打错了,是Myanimelist不是Myganimelist。还有saber—《fate/say》是fate/stay night不是《fate/say》 赞(4) 回复 春夏秋冬 (啦啦啦) 2021-11-15 07:00:08 为什么会有这种感觉?不过论坛漫迷基础男性确实远大于女性。 针目缝 破案了,这个网站的用户75%的男性,25%的女性。 https://myanim...
59 RatingsIleana99 , 11/26/2023 Good app, but still find myself preferring the website at times Been using the site for years and been hoping for an app version one day. When I found out MDL was getting an app version I downloaded it as soon as It dropped. So far it’s been...
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GetAnimeListAsync(search); Anime Details You can get anime details via the GetAnimeDetailsAsync method. var search = new NewAnimeDetails { AnimeId = 51009, Fields = AnimeFields.All, }; var item = await service.GetAnimeDetailsAsync(search); Please check out the demo project for more ...