cd NewsApp-MVVM-Architecture Visit and sign up for an API key, Copy the API key provided Open the build.gradle.kts file in the app module. Find the following line buildConfigField("String", "API_KEY", "\"<YOUR...
from NewsAPI Add the apiKey as a value in your API_KEY = <INSERT_YOUR_API_KEY> Build the app Good Luck 🎉 ScreenShots Architecture The app uses MVVM [Model-View-ViewModel] architecture to have a unidirectional flow of data, separation of concern, testability, and a ...
return [self newslistModelForRowInResultModel:row].intacttime; } 将View 的业务逻辑分离到 VewModel 之后,可复用性大大提高了。 第四,将 ViewModel 写完之后,我们就开始考虑 ViewController 和界面的布局等。 关于视图部分就不多说了。下面附上 Demo 地址: 目前说的...
}privatevoidfetchNews(){ guokrViewModel.getGuokrNews(offset, limit).observe(this, guokrNewsResource -> {if(guokrNewsResource ==null) {return; }switch(guokrNewsResource.status) {caseFAILED: ToastUtils.makeToast(guokrNewsResource.message);break;caseSUCCESS: adapter.addData(
Implementing the MVVM Pattern in a SwiftUI App To see an example of MVVM in SwiftUI, we will build a small app forHacker News, a news website for developers akin to Reddit, known for its (debatable) quality. We will use itsweb APIto fetch the top 10 news stories from thebest stories...
// +(id)getCarHomeWithLastTime:(NSString *)lasttime completionHandle:(void (^)(id, NSError *))completionHandle{ NSString *path = [NSString stringWithFormat:Kpath,lasttime]; ...
源码地址 2、MVC、MVP、MVVM 首先,我们先大致了解Android开发中常见的模式,以便我们更深入了解MVVM 模式。 MVC View:对应于xml布局文件 Model:实体模型 Controllor:对应于Activity业务逻辑,数据处理和UI处理 从上面看起来各个组件的职责视乎还挺耦合MVC的,但是打开Android的一...
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements XRecyclerView.LoadingListener { private ActivityMainBinding binding; private NewsAdapter newsAdapter; //新闻列表的适配器 private NewsVM newsVM; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { ...
app_universal : 定制版本的app,组件化编译时 module_girls和module_news为app,所以不能把这两个作为module加进来编译,所以组件化编译时app_universal要依赖lib_common库,反之就可以把 module_girls和module_news作为module加进来编译。 app_specific : 定制版本的app,组件化编译时 module_girls和module_news为app,所...