29 Dec 15:47 github-actions 1.2.0 de4ee40 Compare 1.2.0 What's Changed This is a significant release. Please see https://opensource.author.io/nvm-for-windows-v120 for an overview of the most important changes. chore: fix github issue template for older versions by @Nasfame in #1078...
第一步 安装nvm https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows/releases?page=1推荐下载地址,滑动到中间位置,下载exe的安装包 安装流程一直点击下一步就行,如果本地已经有nodejs,最后安装完成之前会有一个弹窗提示 是否要用nvm来管理目前版本的nodejs选择ok,完成安装; 第二步 使用nvm,nvm的一些列操作是在cmd的窗...
(2019-09-06) I am actively working on new Github actions to build releases. There are several great contributions in master (which contains the to-be-released 1.1.8 version), but I've always had to build these by hand... and as many of you have noticed, my time has been extremely ...
github-actions 1.2.2 c059022 Compare Contributors dependabot Assets7 nvm-noinstall.zip 6.01 MB2025-01-01T03:06:04Z nvm-noinstall.zip.checksum.txt 34 Bytes2025-01-01T03:06:04Z nvm-setup.exe 5.35 MB2025-01-01T03:06:04Z nvm-setup.zip ...
Thanks to everyone who has submitted issues on and off Github, made suggestions, and generally helped make this a better project. Special thanks to@vkbansal, who has actively provided feedback throughout the releases. Thanks also go to@rainabbaand@sullivanptfor getting Node v4 support integrated...
此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库:https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows/releases.git master 克隆/下载 git config --global user.name userName git config --global user.email userEmail 分支5 标签15 Corey ButlerAdded sponsors4ea3bc05年前 ...
nvm 的安装还是比较简单的,主要是需要完成下载安装和路径配置即可。 首先可以使用命令nvm来查看当前系统中有没有安装 nvm。 下载安装 可以访问下面的地址来找到最新的 nvm 的安装版本:Releases · coreybutler/nvm-windows · GitHub 需要下载的程序通常为:nvm-setup.zip ...
1. 到 github 下载 nvm-setup.zip 并安装。 Releases · coreybutler/nvm-windows (github.com) 2. 安装一个版本的 nodejs。 $ nvm install 14.0.0 3. 查看和切换版本。 4. 安装其它全局工具,比如 yarn。 $ npm install -g yarn ...
NVM下载 https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows/releases 下载完成后,将内容解压到C:\Program Files\nvm (需为全英文路径) 新建settings.txt文件 root 配置为当前nvm.exe所在的目录 path 配置为node快...
nvmd-desktop Download Page (GitHub Release v2.0.0) image.png 点击添加项目 按钮,选择项目目录,然后为项目选择需要的 Node 的版本(已安装)。 选择版本之后,在你的项目的跟目录中会添加一个 .nvmdrc 文件,内容为选择的版本号,nvm-desktop通过此文件为终端设置 Node 的版本。打开你的终端进入到项目目录下,通过...