"MV-4-11 Cell Line|慢性骨髓单核细胞性白血病细胞 细胞形态特性:成淋巴细胞 1072-62-4 细胞生长特性:悬浮生长 FM88细胞系;细胞传代方法:1:2-1:3传代;每周换液2-3次;细胞形态特性:详见细胞说明书;细胞生长特性:贴壁或悬浮,详见细胞说明书部分;细胞背景资料:详见相关文献介绍 ...
Human Cell line 1D3人类粒细胞系 OKT 11杂交瘤细胞抗 HUVEC人脐静脉血管内皮细胞 CEM-C7人外周血急性淋巴细胞白血病 MH7A类风湿关节炎滑膜成纤维细胞 PC14/B肺癌细胞株 H226br肺癌细胞 N9小鼠小胶质细胞 HVSMC人血管平滑肌细胞 bEnd.3小鼠脑微血管内皮细胞 capan-1胰腺癌细胞 BJ 人皮肤成纤维细胞 c2c12...
品系基本信息 细胞系名称 MV4-11 目录号 NM-B10 品系描述 人急性单核细胞白血病细胞 品系状态 成瘤性验证中 *使用本品系发表的文献需注明: MV4-11 cell line (Cat. NO. NM-B10) was purchased from Shanghai Model Organisms Center, Inc.. 验证数据 ...
Clinical DataThe MV4-11 cell line was established by Rovera and associates from the blast cells of a 10-year-old male with biphenotypic B-myelomonocytic leukemia. Antigen ExpressionCD4; Homo sapiens CD10; Homo sapiens CD15, human; Homo sapiens CD4 (40-96%); CD10 (4-11%); CD15 (96...
细胞系(cell line)指原代细胞培养物经次传代成功后所繁殖的细胞群体。 也指可长期连续传代的培养细胞。(由此便引申出了后来的有限细胞系(FiniteCellLine)、无限细胞系(InfiniteCellLine)),因此,细胞系狭义的是指可连续传代的细胞(特定环境下口语和书面语都使用),广义是指可传代的细胞。
MV4-11 导出PDF 品系基本信息 细胞系名称 MV4-11 目录号 NM-B10 品系描述 人急性单核细胞白血病细胞 品系状态 成瘤性验证中 *使用本品系发表的文献需注明: MV4-11 cell line (Cat. NO. NM-B10) was purchased from Shanghai Model Organisms Center, Inc.. ...
MV4-11Hans G. DrexlerGerman Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures, Braunschweig, GermanyThe Leukemia-Lymphoma Cell Line FactsBook
An interactive resource to probe genetic diversity and estimated ancestry in cancer cell lines. Cancer Res. 79:1263-1273(2019) 2.Tan K.-T., Ding L.-W., Sun Q.-Y., Lao Z.-T., Chien W., Ren X., Xiao J.-F., Loh X.-Y., Xu L., Lill M., Mayakonda A., Lin D.-C., ...
Promocell C-27101 Chondrocyte Growth Medium,软骨细胞生长培养基(即用型) 500ml2-氨基-4'-氟二苯甲酮2-Amino-4'-fluorobenzophenone质量规格:>98% 骨骼肌细胞Many types of cells包装:5×105方(1ml)2-氨基-4'-氯二苯甲酮2-amino-4'-chlorobenzophenone质量规格:大于98%,化学 ...
Abstract:Objective To investigate the effect of artesunate against acute myeloid leukemi(AML).Methods T h e AML cell line MV4-11at logarithmic growth phase was treated with different concentrations of artesunate for 24, 48 and72 h.The cell proliferation inhibition rate was detected by methyl ...