mv411细胞呈淋巴细胞状,悬浮生长,主要用于癌症和免疫学研究。 mv411细胞特性 mv411细胞来源于一名10岁男孩的外周血,患有双表型B型骨髓单核细胞白血病。 mv411细胞用于癌症和免疫学研究。 mv411细胞生长必须有生长因子,特别是GM-CSF。 IL-3可独立支持细胞长期生长,但在GM-CSF存在时会抑制细胞增殖。 G-CSF与GM-...
Objective To investigate the effects of triptolide (TP) on proliferation and apoptosis of acute myeloid leukemia cell line MV411 with FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 internal tandem duplication (FLT3-ITD), and its effect on PI3K-Akt-mTOR pathway. Methods MTT assay was used to detect the ...
Parallel genome-scale loss of function screens in 216 cancer cell lines for the identification of context-specific genetic dependencies. Sci. Data 1:140035-140035(2014) 5.Gu T.-L., Nardone J., Wang Y., Loriaux M., Villen J., Beausoleil S., Tucker M., Kornhauser J., Ren J., Mac...