Synthesizable lpm_mux implementation used by Quartus is a AHDL file, lpm_mux.tdf, under libraries\megafunctions. In this case, I doubt Formality can read that file. You might want to try to write your own version or use the simulation model from Quartus, which can be found in 220model....
在秋招中,经常遇到的问题是用Mux替换门电路,例如与门,或门,非门,缓冲器,异或,甚至一位全加器,之前写过与此相关的博客如: 【Verilog HDL 训练】第 04 天(竞争、冒险、译码等): 4. 如果一个标准单元库只有三个cell:2输入mux(o = s ?a :b;),TIEH(输出常数1),TIEL(输出常数0),如何实现以下功能? 4.1...
2.使用if else if mux_if_else_if.v / Verilog 1/* 2(C) OOMusou 2010 3 4Filename : mux_if_else_if.v 5Simulator : NC-Verilog 5.4 + Debussy 5.4 v9 + Quartus II 8.1 6Description : mux by if else if 7Release : Aug.30,2010 1.0 8*/ 9 10modulemux_if...
根據每個bit而使用nested if來描述mux,在[1] Douglas J. Smith, HDL Chip Design, A practical guide for designing, synthesizing and simulating ASICs and FPGAs using VHDL or Verilog的p.138出現這種寫法,在實務上,我發現有軟體背景的人寫RTL比較容易出現這種寫法,因為在C中,nested if相當自然,但硬體背景的...
The synthesis tools are doing what you are asking, and mapping the RTL code to the most efficient implementation possible. Yes, it is using LUTs, and there is no way it is going to do anything else due to the one hot selection. Even if the selector was binary encoded...
* Some attributes have defined meanings, others are implementation defined. Not * all pads will support all attributes, or attribute combinations. The Pin * Multiplexer DIF checks for conflicting or unsupported attributes provided by * the Write-Any Read-Legal (WARL) semantics of the underlyin...
Synthesizable lpm_mux implementation used by Quartus is a AHDL file, lpm_mux.tdf, under libraries\megafunctions. In this case, I doubt Formality can read that file. You might want to try to write your own version or use the simulation model from Quartus, which can be found in 220model....
Synthesizable lpm_mux implementation used by Quartus is a AHDL file, lpm_mux.tdf, under libraries\megafunctions. In this case, I doubt Formality can read that file. You might want to try to write your own version or use the simulation model from Quartus, which can be found in 220model....