What is an example of mutualism in the ocean? What is food ecology? What is plant ecology? What is the definition of mutualism in biology? Give 3 examples of mutualism. What does ecosystem ecology include that community ecology does not?
Defensive mutualism occurs when one species receives food and shelter in return for protecting its partner from predators. For example, with the mutualism between the sea star and the scale worm, the scale worm lives in or near the sea star's mouth. As the sea star eats, the scale worm g...
In plateau rainforest on Christmas Island, Indian Ocean, the land snail community was surveyed at 28 sites representing four forest states that differed in the density of red crabs, the abundance of yellow crazy ants and management history. One-way ANOVAs and multivariate analyses were used to ...
In contrast, the zooxanthellae create synthesized sugars that the coral feeds on and oxygen as a byproduct. Spider Crab and Algae –Spider crabs live in shallow parts of the ocean floor, and greenish-brown algae grow on their backs, blending them in with their surroundings and making them ...
Ocean structure and climate (Eastern North Atlantic): in situ measurement and remote sensing (altimeter) Structure and climate of the east North Atlantic are appraised within a framework of in situ measurement and altimeter remote sensing from 0 degree - 60 de... R Pingree - 《J.mar.biol.ass...
Domesticator-domesticate relationships are specialized mutualisms where one species provides multigenerational support to another in exchange for a resource or service, and through which both partners gain an advantage over individuals outside the relati
In nitrogen-limited boreal forests, associations between feathermoss and diazotrophic cyanobacteria control nitrogen inputs and thus carbon cycling, but little is known about the molecular regulators required for initiation and maintenance of these assoc
Frugivorous bats often possess short intestines, and digest rapidly. These characters are thought to be weight-saving adaptations for flight. The hypothesis that they limit digestive efficiency was tested by assaying glucose and protein in fecal samples