SQL> INSERT INTO tab1 (id, description) VALUES (tab1_seq.NEXTVAL, 'THREE'); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO tab1 (id, description) VALUES (tab1_seq.NEXTVAL, 'FOUR'); 1 row created. SQL> UPDATE tab1 SET description = description; 2 rows updated. SQL> SELECT * FROM tab1; ID ...
SQL> REM fails due to some constraint error -- the row trigger will have fired 2 times SQL> REM but the AFTER trigger (which we relied on to reset the package) will never fire. SQL> REM That would leave 2 erroneous rowids in the newRows array for the next insert/update SQL> REM t...
SQL> REM but the AFTER tirgger does not have to fire -- if the second row in an update SQL> REM fails due to some constraint error -- the row trigger will have fired 2 times SQL> REM but the AFTER trigger (which we relied on to reset the package) will never fire. SQL> REM Th...
SQL> REM fails due to some constraint error -- the row trigger will have fired 2 times SQL> REM but the AFTER trigger (which we relied on to reset the package) will never fire. SQL> REM That would leave 2 erroneous rowids in the newRows array for the next insert/update SQL> REM t...
Create an AFTER STATEMENT trigger to validate the data that is inserted into PL/SQL tables and raise error if any invalid data is found Oracle allows STATEMENT level trigger to access the data from the table as by that time the data is already modified in the table. So it is possible to...
以上触发器是实现退费后更新某表的标志功能,虽然在pl/sql编译通过,但使用中报错如下: ORA-04091: table OP.OP_CHARGE is mutating, trigger/function may not see it ORA-06512: at "OP.UPDATE_LIS_STATUE", line 3 ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'OP.UPDATE_LIS_STATUE' ...