The mutating table error in Oracle can be a familiar sight throughout a DBA’s career, along with the usual question of ‘Why?’. The error itself is not difficult to understand nor is it hazardous to the table data. Let’s look at why the error is thrown, why it’s ...
In this tutorial, you will learn about the mutating table error in Oracle and how to fix it using a compound trigger.
mutating table 是指一个当前正在被update,delete,insert语句修改的表,如果在一个行级别的trigger中读取或修改一个mutating table,则往往会遇到ORA-04091错误.例如,如果在trigger中使用了select或dml 语句访问trigger所在的表,则就会收到这个错误。 然而,Oracle8i和9i文档中都没有解释清楚before和after 类型的 row trigg...
If you have created a couple of triggers in Oracle then you must have come across a problem called "Table is mutating; trigger may not read or modify it". Mutating problem occurs if you try to access a table from a trigger which is fired by a command that modified the table. For exa...
and you want to get around that. This short article will describe and demonstrate the various methods of getting around the mutating table error. If you are interested in why you are getting it and in what cases you will get it, please see the Oracle Server Application Developers Guide (cli...
and you want to get around that. This short article will describe and demonstrate the various methods of getting around the mutating table error. If you are interested in why you are getting it and in what cases you will get it, please see the Oracle Server Application Developers Guide (cli...
SQL> INSERT INTO tab1 (id, description) VALUES (tab1_seq.NEXTVAL, 'THREE'); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO tab1 (id, description) VALUES (tab1_seq.NEXTVAL, 'FOUR'); 1 row created. SQL> UPDATE tab1 SET description = description; 2 rows updated. SQL> SELECT * FROM tab1; ID ...
I'm using oracledb with knex 0.12.9. When trying to insert data into the table created by the code below knex.schema.createTable('LOCATIONS', function(table) { table.increments('ID'); table.string('A').unique().notNullable(); table.strin...
(or a user defined plsql function...Update Trigger Fails With ORA-04091 When Modifying a Column in the Same Table (文档 ID 156388.1)》指出, A mutating...Oracle returns the ORA-04091 error if a row trigger reads or modifies the mutating table. ...翻译一下,mutating table是指一个当前正在...
Did the last post (dated 11th January) in the other Table Mutating thread in this forum posted by TLiberty not solve your problem ? Upvote 0 Downvote Not open for further replies. Similar threads Locked Question Inserting Text Decimal to Table Error TheLazyPig Sep 20, 2022 Oracle: ...