Watch on Max 2‘Blue Ruin’ (2013) Directed by Jeremy Saulnier Blue Ruinis a tense thriller that follows the story of Dwight Evans (Macon Blair), a mysterious drifter with a traumatic past. When Dwight learns that the man responsible for his family's tragedy is released from prison, he e...
7 must-watch sibling movies on Netflix (Pic Courtesy: Alia Bhatt Instagram, Netflix India YouTube) Are you excited for the upcoming movie Jigra, starring Alia Bhatt and Vedang Raina? The film is a prison-break action thriller with a focus on a sibling relationship. Netflix, a leading stre...
Two sets of storm chasers in Oklahoma have to fight it out to see who gets twisted first in this sequel to the 1996 thrillerTwister. This time there are drones. 6. Cross (Prime Video) The third time might be the charm for Alex Cross, the famed detective of what seems lik...
Are you in a spooky mood and searching for a good thriller that's not an entire slasher film? We got you covered. Recently someone asked, “What is the scariest movie you watched on Netflix. What is the most adult, legit frightening film?” They continued, “Trying to have a good mov...
Have you seen any of the Thai dramas on Netflix mentioned above? If not, now is the perfect time to dive in, especially if you’re in a holiday mood. There’s nothing like a good binge-watch session to relax and unwind. Whether you’re into comedy, thriller, horror, or drama, this...
Key Highlights:“The Silence” offers a unique twist on survival horror by exploring the challenges of living in a world where noise can be deadly. Conclusion These 15 survival movies on Netflix offer diverse narratives, from real-life survival stories to thrilling fictional scenarios. Whether you...
Not only isDerry Girlsunique because of its specific context of Northern Ireland during the '90s, but it also implements dark humor in a way that works so well. Balancing serious with lighthearted, it’s a good television show about young adults to watch on Netflix, even if you’re not ...
Where to watch:Netflix Room in Rome Synopsis: Two young women meet while on holiday in Rome and share a night of intense passion while exchanging stories about their dreadful pasts. Where to watch:AMC+ Better than Chocolate A young, closeted lesbian grapples with concealing her budding relatio...
Shailee Sood. With Kajol portraying a determined cop unraveling the twins’ secrets, this film adds an intense, emotional depth to the thriller genre. Directed by Shashanka Chaturvedi, Do Patti combines an engaging storyline with powerful performances, making it a must-wat...
Robert Pattinson Matt Reeves Won’t Rule Out Rob Pattinson’s Batman Joining The Dcu: “We’ll See Where That Goes” 1/8/2025 by Charles Barfield The Playlist The Batman 2 Director Matt Reeves Breaks Silence On Possibility Of Robert Pattinson Becoming Dcu's Batman ...