Thriller movies, a genre renowned for its gripping narratives and intense atmospheres, have captivated audiences across the globe. Characterized by suspenseful plot twists, psychological complexities, and heart-pounding sequences, thrillers aim to keep viewers on the edge of their seats, navigating a m...
Best Netflix HD Movies 2014 Winter Sleep (Drama; IMDB 8.3, RT 89%) Life Itself (Documentary; IMDB 8.0, RT 97%) The Way He Looks (Drama, Romance; IMDB 8.0, RT 91%) Kajaki (Action & Adventure, Drama,Mystery & Thriller; IMDB 8.1, RT 100%) ...
Extracurricularis a Korean drama that merges elements ofthriller and crimeinto its story. Its main character is Oh Ji-soo, who seems like the perfect student at his school. Despite his perfect exterior, he has many dark secrets: he works with a sex trafficking business, despite his perfect i...
The release of the fantastic lesbian erotic thrillerLoves Lies Bleedingmade us crave more horny lesbian films, so we went on a hunt to track down all of the best raunchy Sapphic movies! Lesbians are underrepresented in cinema, and while that’s getting better —Love Lies BleedingandDive Away ...
Brian Raftery
WHERE TO WATCH:Streaming on Netflix and VOD. More must-see family movies Mirabel Madrigal struggles to fit in a family where everyone has been blessed with magical powers - everyone but her. Determined to prove she belongs within this extraordinary family, she strives to contribute in meaningful...
Read More:Movies Like The Kissing Booth 4. Notes on a Scandal (2005) Notes on a Scandal is a 2006 British psychological thriller-drama film adapted from the 2003 novel of the same name. The film was directed by Richard Eyre and starred Judi Dench and Cate Blanchett as the leads. It was...
Watch/Stream Sound of Metal onAmazon Prime 6. Summer White In Rodrigo Ruiz Patterson’s debut feature film “Summer White,” a young boy is so attached to her mother that it fumes him to see her trying to grow away from him. In this searing, visually rich, and complex portrayal of a...
The psychological thriller from Australia is, ultimately, one big “huh?”– you’ll wonder what you missed amid a multitude of flashbacks, which may also be dream sequences, which may also be hallucinations, experienced by a troubled man named Parker (Lindsay Farris). He’s been hired to ...
Yahya Abdul-Mateen II Injured During Production Of Netflix Series ‘Man On Fire’ 12/8/2024 by Anthony D'Alessandro Deadline Film + TV Betty Gabriel and More Join New Darkly Comedic Horror Thriller ‘Fade to Black’ 11/21/2024 by Meagan Navarro bloody-disgusting.comIMDb...