Therefore, aMuslim cannot be a “good American”, and a “good Muslim” at the same time; that isassuming a “good American” gives his allegiance to the Constitution as the basis to the laws of the land(6th Amendment). The “good Muslim” cannot do that. Rate this: Comments :Leave ...
The report said that poverty has declined rapidly in the region for the first time in three decades, helped by income growth and government and private transfers. The region's poverty level dropped to 37.2 percent in 2021 from more than 60 percent in 2018, which means approximately 892,000 p...
Accessed 19 Oct 2021. United Nations. SDG Indicators: Regional groupings used in Report and Statistical Annex;2021. Accessed 19 Oct 2021. Google Scholar WHO. Suicide mortality rate (per 100 000 population).
Accessed 19 Oct 2021. United Nations. SDG Indicators: Regional groupings used in Report and Statistical Annex;2021. Accessed 19 Oct 2021. Google Scholar WHO. Suicide mortality rate (per 100 000 population).
Türkiye’s economy grew 11 percent in 2021, the fastest among the G20 countries, as COVID-related measures were gradually relaxed in Türkiye and abroad. Although Türkiye’s interest-rate cuts from September supported demand, they also amplified macro-financial instability which, combined with spi...
about the war on Gaza.According to the CCDH, Hinkle gained 2,036,957 followers after Oct. 7, equating to a growth rate of 8.3x as compared to his follower growth in the previous four months. He has also received payments through X via ad revenue sharing and subscriptions, notes the ...
Accessed October 19, 2021. Google Scholar [24] Mohamed B. New estimates show U.S Muslim population continues to grow. Pew Research. Published 2018. Accessed September 4, 2019. ...
MUSLIM HATE FOR GAYS COVID-19 Omicron outbreak due to homosexuality and Israel - Al-Aqsa Imam By JERUSALEM POST STAFF - Dec 23, 2021 The LGBTQ+ community, as well as the Israeli government and media, are to blame for the rapid spread of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, Imam of al-...
It is also projected that the halal market will cross US$80 billion a year worldwide and the growth rate predicted by the halal food industry is 7 percent annually [6]. The growth of halal industry is not only found in Muslim countries. The increased of Muslim populations in non-Muslim ...
And though the economic pessimism that defined the Biden era hasn’t gone away, it has faded as unemployment, inflation and growth began to normalize. “We have the lowest average unemployment rate of any administration in 50 years, our economy has grown more than a...