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Therefore, aMuslim cannot be a “good American”, and a “good Muslim” at the same time; that isassuming a “good American” gives his allegiance to the Constitution as the basis to the laws of the land(6th Amendment). The “good Muslim” cannot do that. Rate this: Comments :Leave ...
Albania showed a long-term decrease in the suicide rate from 5.2 in 2000 to 3.7 in 2019; a decrease of -28.9%. Bosnia and Herzegovina had a stable trend showing a small growth from 8.1 in 2000 to 8.3 in 2019, an increase of 1.5%. It fluctuated between 8.1 and 9.0 during this period...
Indian Muslims spent about US$11bil on clothing in 2015 and the industry has an annual market growth rate of 13%. Japan Although it has a small Muslim community of 70,000 to 150,000 people, the Japan Muslim Fashion Association believes there is great potential for Muslim f...
Albania showed a long-term decrease in the suicide rate from 5.2 in 2000 to 3.7 in 2019; a decrease of -28.9%. Bosnia and Herzegovina had a stable trend showing a small growth from 8.1 in 2000 to 8.3 in 2019, an increase of 1.5%. It fluctuated between 8.1 and 9.0 during this period...
Looking more closely at the GCC, the World Bank estimated in December that the six-member bloc would record an aggregate growth rate of 2.6 percent for the year. Bahrain is forecast to have grown by 3.5 percent, followed by Qatar and Oman (3 percent), the UAE (2.7 percent), Saudi Arabi...
“When you lose women, you lose kids, and you lose the husbands as well. This is the crisis that we are in for the growth of Islam in America.” In addition, Ameena Jandali, a founding member, Content Director, and trainer of Islamic Network Group (ING) in the Bay Area, California...
This huge rate of growth in this short amount of time, has greatly contributed to the prison overcrowding that the United States faces today. In fact, the prisons are still filled to the seams. This enormous flood of inmates has made it practically impossible for prison officials to keep up...
These changes may lead to a higher utilization of healthcare resources; one US health system reported a higher emergency department utilization among Muslims compared to non-Muslims during Ramadan, which may indicate an increased rate of acute problems.[84]. Patient-centered planning that is ...
And though the economic pessimism that defined the Biden era hasn’t gone away, it has faded as unemployment, inflation and growth began to normalize. “We have the lowest average unemployment rate of any administration in 50 years, our economy has grown more than a...