Example fake profile why are you so ashamed if you are American and living in America just say it don’t make people believe you are in America while you’re living somewhere else Stop lying about who you are Is Allah who created us all and make different tribal so we can understand eac...
Halal dating is the first cousin of arranged marriage, with young people finding their mates -- within the guidelines of Islam -- instead of their parents arranging marriages. Because the Koran advocates equality between the sexes, it does not permit premarital sex. Young Muslims who engage in ...
As we honor Ramadan, the holiest month in the Muslim calendar, it’s important to look back at the history of Muslims in America to guide the context of fighting increased anti-Muslim bigotry in the U.S. today. Anti-Muslim hate crimes arefive times more commontoday than they were before...
SingleMuslim.com the world's leading Islamic Muslim Singles, Marriage and Shaadi introduction service. Over 2 million members online. Register for FREE!
…I’ll always say this is from the European Council of Fatwa; this is from the Assembly of Muslim Jurists in America. So, I refer to the resource or the information, this is from that book, this is from that book, so they can go and read to make sure because many people say thi...