North America Patrick McDonald Paula Kweskin Raheel Raza Saudi Arabia The Koran Women CHICAGO –The issue of women’s rights in Muslim majority countries in the Middle East and elsewhere is often overshadowed by the other back-and-forth circumstances in relationship to Western countries. The docume...
Christian & Michaela: «Thank you for your amazing dating service — we are now engaged and planning our wedding for next year! We are walking on sunshine and owe it all to you! We hope everyone on here has the same faith and luck in finding a soulmate as we did. Love is there an...
Take the practice of six happily married women accosting the bride to meet the bridegroom. This is not mentioned in the Koran. Yet so much is made of this tradition even in America. At such ceremonies, when we ask for volunteers every woman wants to be part of the group because no one ...
with good friends and a close-knit family, and she’s dating cute, popular, and sweet Wells Henderson. One problem: Wells’s father is Jack Henderson, America’s most famous conservative shock jock…and Allie hasn’t told Wells that her family is Muslim. I ...
Example fake profile why are you so ashamed if you are American and living in America just say it don’t make people believe you are in America while you’re living somewhere else Stop lying about who you are Is Allah who created us all and make different tribal so we can understand eac...
I entered the country from the south through Hong Kong where I visited the Hong Kong Museum which has numerous Arabic coins, Islamic Burial Tablets dating back to the T'ang and Song Dynasties and a magnificent model of The Huaisheng Mosque which I was to visit. In order to embark on my ...
The Muslim community in North America is in a unique position, due to the intersections of our multi-ethnic community, to build bridges and address racial injustice. SubhanAllah, we have come a long way in the six months since our inception. MuslimARC has a strategic plan which entails certi...
Sure, news that America’s employers added just 12,000 jobs in October did not help Harris’ cause. But by and large, she is neutralizing her liabilities on the most important issue. We ask ourselves every night: Who won the day? Now we’ll tell you — ever...
Tuthill in her History of Architecture from the Earliest Times (Philadelphia 1848) has, as Gerald Bernstein noted, five pages on `Arabian Architecture’ of which three consist of direct quotations from Irving’s book.[83] This may suggest a relative scarcity in America of Owen Jones’s book ...
A multi-ethnic community puts Muslims in North America in a unique position to build bridges As we honor Ramadan, the holiest month in the Muslim calendar, it’s important to look back at the history of Muslims in America to guide the context of fighting increased anti-Muslim bigotry in the...