To summarize: Studies 4A and 4B demonstrate that deleting upper harmonics substantively influences consonance judgments. The pattern of effects in Study 4A (intervals ranging from 0 to 15 semitones) is predicted fairly well by the harmonicity model but not by the interference model. The pattern of...
Also called verse-repeating or chorus form, it is the term applied to songs in which all verses or stanzas of the text are sung to the same music. “Amazing Grace” would be an example of a Strophic Form song. Subdominant The fourth tone of a major or minor scale. Music which modulate...
Musical hallucinations are poorly understood phenomena. Their relation with epilepsy was first described over a century ago, but never systematically explo
There is growing evidence for the efficacy of music, specifically Mozart’s Sonata for Two Pianos in D Major (K448), at reducing ictal and interictal epileptiform activity. Nonetheless, little is known about the mechanism underlying this beneficial “Mozart K448 effect” for persons with epilepsy...
This brings us to the second Greek term–pareidolia (par-ih- DOE- lee-ah). Pareidolia comes from two Greek words “para”—wrong, and “eidolon”—image. (2) Pareidolia is the neurological phenomenon of perceiving a pattern in random noise (data) where in reality there is no such pattern...
The term “global’ in the global matching models stems from the fact that the familiarity signal’s intensity is not just a function of the degree of feature match between a given encoded item and the test probe, but the degree of feature-match combined across all items in memory in ...
The literary element of meter can be important when writing rhyming poetry, as it can affect where the rhymes fall. Meter is a term that describes how many stresses, or beats, there are in a line. Each stress is called a foot. Shakespeare often wrote in iambic pentameter. This means that...
The literary element of meter can be important when writing rhyming poetry, as it can affect where the rhymes fall. Meter is a term that describes how many stresses, or beats, there are in a line. Each stress is called a foot. Shakespeare often wrote in iambic pentameter. This means that...
In the common language, the term “beat” has two separate, but related uses: 1. “That song has a good beat.” I’ve never heard someone say that a song had a bad beat, unless we’re talking super-bad—which, when I was growing up, meant good. But I digress. ...
Disk for magnetic recording Non-contact type pattern sensor with variable clearance compensation Skip to:Description·Claims·References Cited·Patent History·Patent History Description BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION This invention relates to an improvement of an electronic musical instrument of a harmonic synt...