An ostinato is a repeated pattern that keeps going throughout the song. This is a common type of bass line in funk and R&B, but you’ll find it in jazz and jazz blues sometimes. It can create a hypnotic feel that locks in the groove. Latin Bass Lines: Like you’d hear in Bossa ...
Those who attempt “stretchy” passages either get used to omitting notes or risktendon(腱) injury with repeated play. Leone is familiar with such challenges. Born into a family of jazz musicians, she instead favored c...
The meaning of WAVE DOWN (A VEHICLE) is to move one's hand usually in a repeated motion to get a driver to stop. How to use wave down (a vehicle) in a sentence.
a short guide to a ha a short holiday a shrill whistle a sichuan dog barks a a side of me you didn a silent farewell a silk robe used as a a silver tongue a similar meaning a simple analysis of a simple control proc a simple dialog box p a simple style of arc a simultaneous ...
In an estampie we may call consecutive or linear, each unit of new musical material, beginning with material A, has an open ending, x, then A repeats leading to a close ending, y. This musical unit, akin to a double versicle, may be written AxAy. This unit of music is called a pun...
The meaning of TAKE A POUNDING is to receive repeated hits —often used figuratively to suggest a setback or loss. How to use take a pounding in a sentence.
Musical phrases are a unit of a musical composition that is a complete, but not independent, musical idea. A phrase is typically a number of measures and may sometimes be as short as one measure or as long as several. Virtually all songs written in the common practice period of classical...
: to mark with a short line stroke the t's b : to cancel by drawing a line through stroked out his name 2 : to set the stroke for (a rowing crew) also : to set the stroke for the crew of (a rowing boat) 3 sports : to hit, kick, or shoot (a ball) with a ...
2,3), but the functional role of these fluctuations is not fully understood. They are assumed to relate to the “musical” elements of speech which are above the word level—called prosody. However, prosody in the neuroscience literature is rarely investigated for its structure and function in...
This paper reviews the current state of the art in artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and applications in the context of the creative industries. A