The levator scapula is located on the back and on the sides of your neck. The levator scapula begins at the base of your skull and ends at the scapula, or your shoulder blade. This muscle helps to lift your shoulders. If you carry weight on your shoulders, this muscle becomes tense in...
sides of the body, these muscles control the flexion and extension of the head and neck. Working individually, these muscles rotate the head or flex the neck laterally to the left or right. Neck muscles contract to adjust the posture of the head throughout the course of a day and have ...
experimentedupona cadaverandconcludedthatthey"areessentiallyrotatorsandthattheybecomeextensorsonlywhentheyact simultaneouslyon bothsides."SurfaceAnatomyThemusclesof the backcannotbeidentifiedwithcertaintyexceptin the lumbarregionwherea massivecolumnon eithersideof themid-linecanbefelt whenthe vertebralcolumnis...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook in·fra·hy·oid mus·cles [TA] the small, flat muscles inferior to the hyoid bone including the sternohyoid, omohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid, and levator muscle of the thyroid gland. Synonym(s):musculi infrahyoidei[TA],strap muscles ...
Depressor anguli oris - extending down from the corners of the mouth on both sides of the face. Shown shaded yellow. Sternocleidomastoid - on both sides of the neck. Shown above on LHS of neck only, shaded brown. Mentalis - on both sides of upper chin, shaded green. Scalenes - on both...
Thegluteus minimusis the smallest and deepest muscle of the gluteal muscle group, and it is located primarily at the back and sides of the hip joint and pelvic girdle. The gluteus minimus originates from the back surface of theilium, which is the large, rounded bone that forms the uppermost...
The scalene muscles are the three pairs of muscles that extend from the ribs to the sides of the neck. The main functions of the...
Men often admire the diligence of men with big muscles and many women find their strength to be comforting. However, this has negative sides as well. For example, men in high-paying careers are understood to be too exhausted by work to want to go to the gym afterward; therefore, men ...
The wrist extensors and flexors, for example, keep the wrists straight during the dumbbell lateral raise, and the levator scapulae, which start at the top of your shoulders and extend up the sides of your neck, stabilize your shoulder blades. ...
All skeletal, or somatic, muscles can be classified according to their location into muscles of the head (these include the facial muscles and the masseter muscles controlling the lower jaw) and muscles of the neck, the trunk, and the extremities. Since truncal muscles cover the chest and for...