Sternocleidomastoids are the muscles that are located in the neck region. They are found on each side of the neck under the platysma. Their roles...Become a member and unlock all Study Answers Start today. Try it now Create an account Ask a question Our experts can answer your tough ...
The cervicis are a group of muscles -- including the semispinalis cervicis and the splenius cervicis -- located deep in the back of your neck. These muscles are narrow bands of tendons that run from the top of your neck to the sixth thoracic vertebrae. With the help of these muscles,...
Dubbed "Mindy", the human of 2100 has a hunched back, caused by hours sitting in front of a computer monitor at the office and craning her neck to look at smartphones. 这位2100年的人类被称为“明迪”,她因长时间...
Voicing refers to the movement of your vocal cords — groups of muscles in your neck.发浊音指的是你声带 —— 你脖子里的肌肉群 —— 的震动。The difference between many consonant sounds comes down to if your vocal cords move when you make the sound.很多辅音之间的差别最终在于你发音时声带是否...
Identify one muscle that flexes the head and neck, and identify one muscle that extends the head and neck. Be sure to state which muscle is the flexor and which muscle is the extensor. What muscle tissue is found in the heart? What muscles are antagonists of the triceps brachii? Where ...
In order to prevent your hips from sagging—a key point of proper form—you must engage another core muscle group that most people associate with the lower body: your glutes. Similarly, the muscles in your neck, shoulders, arms, upper back, and legs will be called into action to keep ...
Use an ice pack, or put crushed ice in a plastic bag. Cover it with a towel before you apply it to your shoulder. Apply ice for 15 to 20 minutes every hour, or as directed. Apply heat as directed. Heat helps relax muscles and may help improve shoulder movement. Use a heat pack, ...
What Does "Dressy Casual" Mean? Beauty How Often Should I Get a Manicure and Pedicure? Cosmetic What is Olive Skin? Hygiene What Is a Sonic Toothbrush? Hygiene What Is Shower Oil? Related Articles Discussion Comments BeautyAnswered, in your inbox ...
Weallknowwhatitisliketobeunabletoturnyourheadbecauseof a coldinthemuscles (肌肉) ofyourneck,orbecauseanunexpectedtwist(扭曲)hasmadeyourneckache.Theslightestmovemakesyoujumpwithpain.Nothingcouldbeworsethan a painintheneck.Thatiswhyweusethephrasetodescribesomepeoplewhogiveyouthesamefeeling.Wehaveallmetsuch...
Spasmodic torticollis is a condition that causes your neck muscles to contract (shorten and tighten). Your neck twists suddenly and causes your head to tilt or turn without control. You may have trouble moving your neck. You may also have headaches, neck pain, or shoulder pain. Your neck ...